Chapter 70 (XXX)

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And here is the SMUT chapter with Scott Topping ^-^

FAIR WARNING; this is by far the kinkiest thing I've ever written.

Sorry not sorry....?


After the morning's events, Mitch and Scott went downstairs to eat breakfast, and briefly saw Kevin and Todrick cleaning up the dining room.

They walked back into their room, seeing it cleaned up and fresh again.

Scott chuckled when he closed the door behind both of them. "What are the odds that this was actually the Betas' work, not the work of a maid?"

Mitch giggled. "There is actually a very good chance of that."

Scott had been walking towards the bathroom, but Mitch snagged his arm. "Alpha?"

"Yes, my love?"

"Can... We do it again?"

"Do what?"

"The Love thing..."

"Well, it's your honeymoon, baby. We can do anything and everything you want."

Mitch grabbed his hand. "Our honeymoon. Not mine."

Scott chuckled, leaning forward to kiss Mitch's ear before he spoke into it. "I'm not bottoming again, if that's what you're getting at."

"No. I want to. Please..."

Scott moved back to watch Mitch's face. "Please what?"

"Please make love to me."

Scott took a step forward, kissing his lips once, before gesturing to the bathroom behind himself. "Let me pee first, and clean up my tattoo... Then I promise I will. Okay?"

Mitch nodded and smiled, letting go of Scott's hand slowly to let him do just that.


Mitch grew impatient, and Scott could tell. So when he walked back out of the restroom, Scott grabbed Mitch from under his armpits and tossed him gently onto the bed.

Mitch was both excited and relieved to see Scott taking initiative.

"I'm going to wear a condom this time, okay? Because... I want to try something out with you. But when we try for children I want it to be slow, and beautiful. Is that fair?"

"Yeah. I understand. Does that mean... You're going to be rough with me?" Mitch smirked.

Scott took a few steps toward him, and then leaned down to be face to face with his Omega while his dog tag dangled down to brush Mitch's chest. "You're mine now. Legally. So do not expect this to be gentle."

Mitch's eyes widened, and he licked his lips in arousal. "Yes, Sir."

Scott was a little unsure of himself, and his facial expression changed. "Unless you need me to be gentle.. Because I can, if you want. Just tell me what you want."

Mitch was too excited to even think of the words. "Yes."

"To which?" Scott asked kindly, trying to be helpful. "Want me to make love to you slowly, and compliment each and every beautiful feature of your lovely little body?"

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