Chapter 116

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Although most of the table had finished their food, Alex made sure to go through everyone to ask if they liked it or not, to know if he should make them an alternative so they wouldn't go to bed hungry.

Jake was amazed by how good the food was, and made Alex very aware of it.

Of course, Alex had giggled and tried to give the credit to someone else. "Toddy taught me how to do it, that's why it's so good. Todrick is really good in the kitchen."

Jake nodded once, still eating. "And apparently, so are you."

"Thank you. That's very nice."

"Well it's true. Not a single person at this table thinks that what you've cooked is anything less than amazing."

Scott leaned down to whisper something to Mitch, causing Mitch to giggle.

Kirstie looked over at them and grinned. "Did you tell a joke? I want to hear it!"

Scott looked over at her, a blush rising up on his cheeks. "Um.. No. It wasn't a joke."

Avi raised a single eyebrow, a smirk beginning to form on his face. "Really? My goodness. What were you two talking about then?"

Scott looked down at Mitch, hoping he'd come up with something.

But Mitch didn't see any reason to hide it, and he just shrugged, gathering some pasta on his fork. "He just told me he loved me. I don't know why you guys were so curious about it."

Scott blushed even more, looking down at his lap in embarrassment for absolutely no reason. As if the others hadn't heard him confess his love to Mitch millions of times before.

Kirstie tilted her head a little at Scott. "Why are you all... Bashful about it? We don't mind. You don't have to get embarrassed."

Scott shook his head with a small smile on his face. "No, it's just... I don't know."

Mitch glanced over at him, and then looked out at the other people sitting at the table. "He's just struggling to tell you that he always tells me he loves me quietly. As if its a secret that he won't tell anyone else. And it's just... What he does. And now you've caught him in it, and he's embarrassed."

Kevin gave Scott a sympathetic smile. "It's because you won't ever love someone the same way you love him ever again. I feel like... You say it quietly because you know that no matter how loud, or how quiet you say it, he'll never fully understand how much he means to you."

Scott shrugged, still looking down at his lap. "I don't know." He stood up slowly, grabbing Kirstie's empty plate, his own, and then Mitch's. He then stacked the plates up, to carry with one hand.

On his way out of the dining room, he lowered the stack a little and met Avi's eyes. "Want me to take yours too?"

Avi rolled his eyes, standing up and taking his own plate, before gathering up the rest of them. "Are you trying to break your wrist too, or...?"

Scott chuckled a little, and went into the kitchen without waiting for Avi.

Avi joined him in the kitchen a minute later, seeing Scott trying to wash dishes with only one hand.

Avi rolled his eyes again, and bumped Scott's hip a little to move him out of the way so Avi could wash the dishes himself.

Scott frowned at him though, after he was out of the way. "Avi, please.. Don't be like that."

"You can't wash dishes with only one hand, Stupid."

"I'm not stupid." He grumbled.

Avi glanced over at him for a second, and then turned back to the sink. "You're right. I'm sorry."

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