Chapter 33

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They made a quick detour to visit Grace for an hour or so, where the rest of the pack finally got to meet Darien.

Avi even allowed Scott to hold Grace for a short time, while he and Esther discussed finance.

Kirstie had just been smiling at Scott as he spoke to the child in his arms, before Scott handed her over to Kirstie.

When Scott walked away to find Mitch, Alex came over and peered over Kirstie's shoulder.

Kirstie smiled at him. "Do you want to hold her?"

"No, thank you. I just... Wanted to see." Alex smiled slightly. "Hey, Grace..."

It was odd for that name to pass his lips in a completely different context than what it used to be used in. But it felt familiarly endearing.

But who knows? Maybe this time it will be more of a saving Grace, rather than a fallen one.


The car ride home was completely silent, after spending a few hours with Esther and Darien.

Mitch didn't know why, though. He'd been having a great day, and wondered why no one else had.

He grabbed Scott's hand and placed it on his own leg, smiling at Scott when he looked over.

Scott smiled right back, leaning down to kiss Mitch's nose, eliciting a giggle from the smaller boy. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just wanted your attention." Mitch admitted.

Scott used his other hand to brush Mitch's bangs away from his eyes, staring into Mitch's eyes intently, as if they held the answers to the universe. "You've got it. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I promise."

Scott nodded. He knew that Mitch just required attention sometimes. Required someone's embrace sometimes. It's not like that was such a unique occurrence, but he just wanted to be absolutely sure.

Scott kept his eyes on Mitch's face as he slid his hand to a more comfortable spot on Mitch's thigh, watching his expression to be sure that it was okay.

Mitch just smiled at him, not speaking at all, because he and Scott's relationship didn't need that anymore.

They were broken out of their fascination with each other when Mitch turned away to sneeze.

Alex spoke in nearly a millisecond. "Bless you!"

Mitch sneezed once more, and then sighed.

"Double bless you! Have you caught a cold?" Alex asked from the back of the car.

"I don't think so. But thank you."

Scott grabbed the back of Mitch's neck to press his lips to Mitch's forehead. When he pulled away he frowned. "Your forehead is a little warm, honey. Do you feel alright?"

"Yes. Good grief, I just sneezed. That's all."

Scott frowned again. "But baby... You'd tell me if you felt sick, wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would. Because I'd want you to cuddle and make me some soup." Mitch answered with a smile.

"Good. Please do."

Jake was driving again, because Avi was too distracted.

Avi had stared out the window the entire drive home, not saying a single word.

Kevin had wanted to say something, to be sure he was alright, but knew Avi wouldn't tell the truth in front of the others.

Kirstie just reached forward to grab his hand, and he let her do it, holding his hand out as close to her as he could so she wouldn't have to stretch as much.

But Avi still didn't say a word.


After arriving home, Avi went straight to his room, Kirstie chasing after him.

Kevin decided he'd wait until later, and he went upstairs to take care of a few things on his own.

Todrick and Jake were both concerned about Alex, and they took him into the living room to talk about Grace.

Meanwhile, Scott had scooped Mitch off of his feet and carried him upstairs. Yes, his shoulder was injured. And yes, it hurt a little. But there was a chance that his Omega was sick.

Scott set him down on the bed gently, as if he'd break him. "How are you feeling?"

"Still fine. Not sick."

"I think you're sick, baby."

Mitch groaned and laid on his back. "I'm not! I swear on my life, I'm not!"

"Don't shout. I just worry about you, honey. I'll get you some vitamins and then I promise I'll leave you alone, okay?"


Scott ended up getting pills from Kevin, before skipping down the stairs to find a glass to fill, seeing as the upstairs kitchen didn't have anything in it yet.

He left the glass and pills on the kitchen counter when he heard someone crying though.

Scott walked into the living room to see Alex sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, Jake beside him with a hand running up and down his back.

Todrick was on his other side, one hand on Alex's leg. "Don't cry, Allie. Please don't cry."

Scott walked over and kneeled down in front of Alex, grabbing his hands to pull them from his face. "Hey."

Alex sniffled and looked down at him. "Hi..."

"Why are we crying, Xander?" He asked softly.

"Because... Because I miss my mom." Alex whispered.

"That's okay. It's okay to cry. You have been through so much, it's extraordinary, especially when I think about how much you smile regardless of your pain. But a really really smart Beta named Kevin once told me something to make me feel better. Want to hear it?"

Alex squeezed Scott's hands as if to be sure he wouldn't leave without sharing. "Yes, please."

Scott reached up to wipe one of Alex's tears from his face. "Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us."

Todrick grinned, adoring Kevin's words even though they came from someone else.

Alex smiled too, sniffling a little. "Thank you. That helps a lot, thank you very much. But... It still hurts. Is it not supposed to?"

Todrick clicked his tongue quietly. "Oh, Alex. Don't be ridiculous. Of course it's supposed to hurt. She was a huge part of your life. It's okay to be upset. It's completely acceptable, especially for someone like you."

Alex sniffled again, still holding Scott's hands like a lifeline. "Like me?"

Todrick wiped a tear off of his cheek, just like Scott had, and watched Jake kiss Alex's temple at the same time. "Someone that is optimistic about everything that happens. Someone that smiles even in the darkest of times. Someone that is unconditionally nice to everyone, including rude people, strangers and even people that hurt you. Someone like you, Alex. Someone beautiful."

Alex smiled a little and looked down at his own lap. "You really think all of those things? You.. Think I'm beautiful?"

"I really do."

Scott gave Alex's hands a squeeze. "Inside and out, Xand."

Jake nodded, and used his fingers to turn Alex's chin towards him. "Absolutely gorgeous, my love. I assure you."

Alex grinned, leaning forward to peck his lips, before turning to look at all of them. "Thank you guys... You're all so kind."

Scott stood up then, giving Alex a quick kiss on the forehead. "No more tears, okay? I hate seeing you cry." Then he turned to get the pills for Mitch.

Alex nodded and leaned into Jake's embrace, reaching over to hold Todrick's hands instead, while Wyatt jumped into his lap to comfort him in his little kitten way.


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