Chapter 57

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That morning, Scott woke up too early, but when he tried to fall back asleep, Mitch shoved his arm.

When he opened his eyes, Mitch was smiling at him. "Morning!"

"Hush... Don't shout, baby. People are still asleep."

Mitch ducked his head down, tucking it under Scott's chin. "Oops.. I'm sorry, Alpha. Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. Let's just whisper, okay baby?"

Mitch moved away from him and nodded. "Okay. I can do that."

"I know you can. Are you feeling okay? You're acting... Strange."

Mitch's smile fell, and his eyes widened. "Oh no.... Am I sick?!"

"Mitch, I just told you to whisper." Scott reminded him quietly.

Mitch's eyes widened even more. "Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Scott just shook his head. "I forgive you. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and then we can go downstairs and make some breakfast, okay?"


Scott was only gone for a few minutes. Honest to God, two minutes at the most. But when he walked back out, Mitch was in tears.

Scott hurried over. "Mitchie? What's the matter?"

Mitch threw his arms around Scott's broad shoulders. "I missed you so much! I didn't know if you'd ever come back!"

"Mitch, for the last time. Keep your voice down. I missed you too, baby. But you know I'd never leave you."

Mitch hugged him for what seemed like forever, until Scott picked him up off of the ground to carry him downstairs.

Mitch giggled, clinging to him tightly.

Before Scott could even get to the stairs, his shoulder began to protest. He shifted Mitch around on his hip to find a place where it wouldn't hurt as bad, but he couldn't find one. "Ow, Mitch, can you--? Just get down for a second."

Mitch was confused though, and held on even tighter. "No, don't leave!"

Scott cringed visibly and finally just had to drop him, although Mitch's arms still held on, and Mitch accidently pushed down on Scott's hurt shoulder.

Scott bit his lip to keep himself quiet, but had to push Mitch away as lightly as he could, to get the pressure off of his arm.

Mitch just smiled at him, almost like a child that was oblivious to the situation.

Scott waited for the pain to subside, before he looked up from the floor, meeting Mitch's eyes for a moment. "Sorry."

"That's okay! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Want me to pick you up again?" Scott asked, although he kind of hoped Mitch would say no.

Mitch nodded, reaching his hands up toward Scott (again) like a child.

Scott took a deep breath, quickly trying to strategize a plan that wouldn't get him hurt. After a few seconds, he just lifted Mitch up and threw him over his good shoulder with one arm behind his thighs.

Mitch giggled loudly, grabbing onto Scott's waistband just in case.

Scott was very careful going down the stairs, although Mitch trusted him enough to know he would never drop him.

Todrick and Kevin were both at the dining room table, cups of tea in front of them, as well as what appeared to be a textbook.

Scott pulled a chair out, and then gently set Mitch down with a grip on both of Mitch's sides.

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