Chapter (XXX)

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I see that some of you have never read Jalex smut before, and if it helps I've never written it before xD

So we're all just trying it out I guess.

P.S. If the title didn't give it away, this is a SMUT CHAPTER.

So, all in favor, please proceed.

Those opposed, please shield your eyes and I'll see you tomorrow ;) (*Cough* hannnnnnah13 *Cough*)


Jake grinned down at him, admiring him for a second longer before he dropped down to meet Alex's lips.

Alex smiled into the kiss, and pulled away to meet Jake's eyes, but Jake wasn't quite finished yet. He grabbed Alex's belt loops and tugged his hips to allow Alex to straddle Jake's hips.

Alex giggled, until Jake put a hand on the back of Alex's neck to pull his head down for another kiss, this one being much dirtier than the prior kiss.

When Alex finally had to pull away for air, he set his forehead on Jake's shoulder as he panted, Jake running his teeth along the expanse of Alex's neck.

When he grazed over Alex's Mark, Alex let out a quiet moan. "A-Alpha... Are we..?"

Jake slid his hands under Alex's shirt, running his fingertips along Alex's back. "If you want."

"I want. I want very very much." Alex confirmed, as Jake went back to attacking his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys along Alex's tan skin.

Jake finally slid a hand around to Alex's front side, barely grazing Alex's growing erection. "Are you sure?"

Alex moved away, hopping off of the bed to lock their door, and grab lube on his way back.

Jake stopped him, pointing at one of the drawers. "Don't forget a condom, babe."

"But.. I can't get pregnant."


Alex's eyebrows came together briefly. "Are you not... Clean?" He held up a hand quickly. "Not that I mind, I'd still love you and stuff! I'm just asking..."

Jake gave him a small smile. "I'm clean, honey. I promise. But it's safer that way."

Alex nodded, turning to grab a condom out of the drawer in question. "Safer, huh?"

"Yeah. Allie, I am absolutely positive that I've said this before. You asked me the same thing last time."

Alex blushed, his posture slumping a little as he stared at the condom in his hands. "No, I know... I just... Travis said it feels better without a.. Y'know... And the other Alphas liked not using them because they... Actually nevermind. I'm sorry."

Jake held a hand out toward him. "Come here, baby. I'd rather be sure that you're safe."

Alex handed him the condom, with a small smile. "Thank you."

Jake smiled right back, before leaning on his elbow to stare at Alex. "Go ahead and strip down, babe. You won't be needing those anymore."

Alex slowly handed the bottle of lube to Jake, a blush already darkening on his cheeks. "I... Okay..."

He took a step back, and refused to meet Jake's eyes as his shaky hands took his own clothes off.

Jake just stared at him, mindlessly fiddling with the condom wrapper in one hand. "God, you're exquisite."

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