Chapter 111

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Kevin gave Mitch a sympathetic smile before speaking. "So.. I have to ask you... Is there any chance that you were pregnant before this happened? And please be honest, because if you were, we need to go to the hospital."

Mitch's Omega senses immediately picked up on the guilt, and heartbreak that came radiating off of Scott in a single second, and then it was gone, as Scott tried to hide it from Mitch.

Mitch set a hand on Scott's thigh, so Scott would know that it was okay. He gave Kevin a smile. "No. Not yet."

Kevin nodded once. "Okay. Thank you. Now, Mr. Alpha Hoying. Let's see your hand."

Scott held it out toward him, and Avi instantly frowned. "Ew."

Scott turned to him and glared. "I didn't exactly ask for this, y'know."

Kevin chuckled at them, gently running a finger over Scott's knuckles. "Do any of the cuts hurt? Because I can get you something to help."

"No. It's mostly just.. Numb."

"Numb? Oh dear, that's not good."

Todrick nodded, scanning Scott's hand skeptically. "Looks like a few broken bones, if you ask me."

Kevin hummed in thought. "Also, Tod? Could you glance at his shin to be sure none of the stitches ripped or anything?"

Todrick did as he was told, dropping from the table to kneel by Scott's leg and roll up his pant leg a little to see the old wound.

Scott wasn't really paying attention though. Instead he was gently kissing each and every red mark on Mitch's neck and collar bones.

Mitch giggled, and leaned away when Scott's hair almost got into his eyes. "Alpha, stop it." And then he giggled again.

Scott sat up and frowned at him. "I'm sorry he hurt you. I should've stopped him sooner..."

Mitch's smile slowly fell, as he could truly feel the guilt coming off of Scott. "It wasn't your fault. And you did stop him. You did."

Kevin nodded, not looking up from where he was wrapping Scott's hand up to give the bones time to heal. "You reacted in a perfect amount of time. Had you taken longer, we'd be in the hospital right now. You did a great job, Alpha. You couldn't have responded any quicker."

Scott turned his frown to Kevin too. "But... I shouldn't have let that Alpha near my Mitchie... He shouldn't have ever been close enough to put his hands on my baby."

Avi set a hand on Scott's back. "Don't blame yourself, Rookie. It's my Dad's fault for daring to do that. It's my fault for not kicking him out the instant he walked in. It's Jake's fault for not helping out. It's Mitchell's fault for walking out here in the first place. We could put the blame on a lot of people. So please don't put it on yourself."

Scott looked over at Avi then, before his eyes fell down to Avi's ankle. "I let you get hurt too..."

"That wasn't your fault, Scott. Knock it off."

Scott pouted, and then leaned into Avi's side. "I'm sorry I'm such a failure."

Avi pushed him a little with his shoulder. "Alright, that's it. No more talking. I don't want to hear another word out of you."

Scott nodded, shrinking away from Avi and leaning into Mitch instead.

Mitch moved to sit with his knees on the couch but facing Scott, so he could hug Scott's shoulders and hold Scott's head against his chest. Mitch set his chin on the top of Scott's head, glaring at Avi. "Please don't talk to him like that. He's fragile right now, remember?"

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