Chapter 101

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It's not as cheerful as it could be, but we loves the drama right


Scott's meds finally kicked in, just as a few people were putting their empty plates back into the kitchen.

He snagged Mitch's hand with a gasp. "Is this a wedding ring?!"

Mitch raised an eyebrow at him. "Um... Yes..."

"You're married?! But you're so young..."

Mitch didn't really know how to respond to that, so he pulled his hand away from Scott and grabbed Scott's left hand. "Look. You're married too."

Scott looked down, and his mouth dropped open. "What?! No way!"

Mitch giggled at his ignorance, and leaned toward him. "You're married to me, silly."

Scott gasped even louder. "Really?! I did so well, oh my God! Avi will be so proud..." He looked over at The Alpha. "Avi did you hear?! I'm married to Mitchie!"

Avi glanced up at him. "I was at the wedding, you stupid--" He stopped himself and smiled. "I mean, um... Congratulations."

Mitch giggled, and stood with a few plates in his hands, before turning to go into the kitchen, while Scott shamelessly stared at his ass.

Scott nodded slowly, approvingly. "Nice."

Kirstie gave his arm a light smack. "It's too early for that."

Scott chuckled at her, and nodded. "Fine... But it's not my fault he's so darn cute."

Avi glared at him. "Could you please not?"

Mitch walked back into the room with an oblivious smile. "'Not' what?"

Scott turned in his seat to smile at his Omega. "Kirstie and Avi think I'm gross because I like your butt."

Mitch's face went a light shade of pink, and he sat down slowly in his chair. "Oh... That was the topic of discussion?"

Kevin shrugged, still eating breakfast. "Well the topic was raised, but never discussed."

Scott leaned forward. "Can we discuss it?"

Avi and Mitch both spoke at the same time. "No."

Scott pouted, and leaned back in his seat. "Fine. I'll drop it."

Todrick cleared his throat. "Um... So, Scott. Does your leg hurt at all?"

Scott smiled at him. "No. Just itchy. But I haven't scratched it, because I promised."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that."

Scott smiled proudly, and then looked over to Mitch, and didn't look away for a while.

Avi glanced up from his cup of coffee all of a sudden. "Hey, I never got to ask. Scott, what exactly happened yesterday? How did you hurt your leg?"

"Oh, well Mitchie dropped a glass bottle, and I tried to keep him out of the line of fire, but I forgot to move myself too."

"Ah. So it happened like it usually does then? Great."

Scott laughed, grabbing Mitch's arm as he laughed way harder than he should've.

Kevin looked over then, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity. "Wait... The glass bottle of wine? I thought you were drinking that in the car."

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