Chapter 115

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The rest of the Pack returned home around dinner time, and Alex had almost forgotten to make the meal, as Avi had told him.

He was running around the kitchen, not even fully dressed, trying to rush and make the best dinner he could think of, something that Todrick had taught him how to make.

Scott said something about the wrap on his hand bothering him, so Jake was now sitting on the couch beside him rewrapping it.

Mitch was just sitting on the other side of his Alpha, one hand on Scott's thigh while Scott kept his arm over Mitch's shoulders.

Mitch stood up at one point, to go help Alex in the kitchen.

Alex was searing meat, and putting them on eight different plates. He was currently on veal number four out of eight.

Mitch watched him for a little while, and then finally spoke up. "Hi, Allie."

Alex looked down, a wide smile on his face. "Hi! How are you? Can I get you anything?"

"No. I'm fine, thanks. You?"

"I'm great! Thank you for asking." Alex grinned and then turned back to what he was cooking, setting down two more pieces of meat on their selective plates. "Have the others come back home yet?"

"Not yet. You've got time."

Alex's shoulders finally relaxed, and he nodded, laying down the last two dinners to cook. "Oh thank goodness... I was so afraid that Avi would show up and start yelling at me for not being done. Or Todrick would be disappointed because I didn't execute proper time management."

Mitch stared at him for a second before answering. "You have such an odd way of thinking."

Alex looked down to him again. "Really? Is that... Bad?"


Alex pouted, eyes turning back to the meat he was cooking. "Really? Oh no... Why?"

"You're too nice, sometimes. Like... To a fault."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I hadn't noticed." Alex responded quietly, pouting.

Mitch shook his head a little, still staring at Alex's face. "See? I just said something relatively mean to you, and you apologized."

"It wasn't mean. And... I'm good at taking criticism."

"But you--" Mitch stopped himself, and suddenly grabbed one of Alex's arms and shook him as much as he could. "Alexander Kirk, you just gave yourself a compliment!"

Alex smiled at him, trying to match his excitement even though he didn't really understand why. "Yes I did!"

"Oh my God, how cool is that?! I've never, ever, ever heard you compliment yourself. Good Lord, what has Jake done to you? I'll have to thank him the next time I see him."

"Okay, Mitchie." Alex replied, still not quite understanding the situation. He took out the last two pieces of veal, laying them in the last two plates.

Mitch grinned widely, watching Alex work. "That just made my day, you don't even know."

Alex smiled back, and then moved to take the hot frying pan to sit beside the sink, so he could remember to clean it when it cooled down. "Watch out, babe. Don't want to burn you."

Mitch took a small step back, and his smile widened. "Did you just call me a babe?"

Alex set the pan down, and then turned slowly, eyes wide. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that would upset you. I won't do it ever aga--"

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