Chapter 3

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*music* my alarm went off but I was already awake because of a nightmare about an hour ago. I still got plenty of sleep so didn't mind too much, but i still had to prove my mum wrong. I couldn't complain, so I didn't. I did my routine but decided to get dressed last. Today I wore a long, white dress with a dark blue trim that made my eyes 'pop'. 'Ok... New day! Hopefully its better.' I looked in the mirror one last time and before I knew it, I was at school. My friends and I still had 1/2 an hour to hang out when I got there, so we sat on the wall and talked while a light breeze drifted past, pushing my hair partially over my face. I smiled, enjoying the draft and then noticed Gray looking right at me!
My heart fluttered like a bird in a cage, and my face turned a little pink, causing him to smile. 'Wh...why is he looking at me?!' I pondered. He turned and started to walk to him class. The rest of the gang were up and ready, and Lucy waited for me since we had the same class. 'Looks like its time to go...'


I waited for my friends at the tree by the wall that we sat by yesterday, looks like that will be our 'usual' spot for lunch. We grabbed our lunch and headed for the wall. After we finished eating, I noticed Gray watching me again. This time however, he walked over. "Hey Elenore, thanks again for the ride last night." "Oh... Your welcome." I said shyly. My friends stayed quiet. 'Say something guys! Anything! Don't leave me to hold a conversation by myself!' Finally, Griffin stepped in. "Is that all you wanted? Not to be rude but... We were planning on heading to the library..." 'No we aren't...?' "Oh well how about I join you guys... If that's alright." To my surprise, Ciel answered "Sure but let's just go already..." He started to walk away. "Wait! Ciel!" We all followed, catching up a few moments later.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

'I don't have anything against Gray! Why do I envy him?!' They caught up to me and that brat is following, maybe he didn't get the hint. We arrived at the library and took in the new surroundings. They had thousands of books! It was an amazing sight to see, considering how small our Middle School was...
I almost immediately found a book I might enjoy and went to check out. 'Why did Griffin say we had plans? I guess a good book to read doesn't hurt but still'. Gray and Elenore were having a conversation while Griffin watched angrily. 'Its too obvious he likes her, he should take advice from me since I seem to hide it so well...'.
The bell rang for class so Elenore and I walked to class together. It was nice, just the two of us. When the class hour was over, I had to sit next to him. Elenore seemed happy to have him in class... But I would rather see him in a ditch for trying to weasel his way to Elenore. Class seemed to take forever, a thing I would normally wish for with Elenore, but the sight of him made me want to vomit. 'How could she love... That?!' I wondered. Oh well... At least he wouldn't come with us to my house after school.
When we were walking to my house, I was in the back thinking of nothing in particular. The only thing I kept thinking of over and over is how caring Elenore is.

---7:00 P.M.--

Everyone had walked home about 15 minutes ago, well... All except for Elenore. Her mother said she could stay until 7:30. We hung out in my room for a while until it was time for her to go home. "Oh shoot" I heard her whisper under her breath.
"What is it Elenore?"
"My mums car broke down so now I have to walk..."
'Perfect!' I had my chance for more time alone with her. "Well... I could walk you home... If you like." I offered
"You're such a gentleman, Ciel! Are you sure?"
"Of course, I wouldn't want to find out something happened to you, especially if it came to using your... *cough* powers."
"Alright, if your sure it's ok! Thanks, Ciel." She smiled that adorable smile of hers. 'I can't let her know I like her, it might make things awkward...'
I walked her all the way home and was invited to stay for dinner but politely declined, my mother already had dinner waiting for me when I got home. Elenore's house was a little far, but I didn't mind too much. I finally got to spend time with her. After diner, I took a shower and laid down in bed, a smile slowly drifting across my face until I fell asleep.

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