Chapter 63

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---Lucy's P.O.V.---

I'm on a mission with Summer, Gray, Wendy and Griffin today. We're had to leave the continent for this one, so it took a ship to get here. It took 5 hours, and we traveled late last night so we had a few hours of rest before we arrived and checked in to a hotel.
Our job was to track and find out about recent disappearances and hopefully bring the list back home. We all headed out first thing the next morning.
"Okay, so where should we start?" I asked, looking at a map of the town.
"Well, I say that we should check out the town and ask people as we go along for recent sightings of the people who have gone missing, and ask as many questions as possible." Griffin answered. We agreed and split up, searching for anyone who would have a clue. We were sent with copies of pictures of the victims as well, so it made it easier for the people to identify who we were all asking about. The first person I saw was a middle-aged lady, who was carrying a picture of her own and asking everyone she saw it they knew where he son was, and she looked to be around the age of 50. She had a few stray, grey hairs, but she also still had a nice brown color to her hair as well, and was dressed in a long floral dress reaching diwn to her mid-calf. I searched through my own pictures and saw that I didn't have a picture of her son, so walked up to her to find out more.
"Hello, have you seen my son?" she asked, her voice filled with desperation.
"No, I haven't. I've just arrived in town and I'm currently on a mission to find those who've recently gone missing. May I ask your sons name?"
"Of course. His name is Jason."
I wrote his name down his name in a notebook and continued asking questions.
"Okay, how old is he?"
"He is 24."
"And his height and weight?"
"6'4 I believe. He weighs about 130 pounds."
"M'kay. May I have a closer look at that picture of him?"
"Yes, of course." she handed me the picture and I finished writing the questions I've just asked.
Jason has brown hair that is a little unkempt, but still looks nice. He has a clean shaved face and dark purple eyes with a good ring around the center of his iris. I also noticed that he has a marking on his upper arm, almost like a symbol.
"Sorry, but does this marking have any meaning behind it?"
"Yes. That is the symbol of Ahisamach, it means strength. You see, when Jason was born he was very weak and fragile. The doctors said that he wouldn't live past 2 weeks, but I researched old books and magics until I finally came across something significant. It took a week and a half to find it, and it was a spell that would give him enough strength to live a long, happy life. The spell would take 4 days to perform and do it's job, which didn't give me enough time before his 2 weeks were up, but I still had to try. I preformed the ritual, which required me to split my soul which would add onto his but it had to be pure. This purification process took 3 days itself, and the final day, right as my soul was being split, my husband told me that it was too late. I continued with the spell anyways, desperate for something to work, a miracle one would say. The pain was intense and the pressure on my chest was unbearable, but I was desperate. I suffered through it all, all for my baby Jason. When it was all finished, I rushed to his side, laying my head on his still chest and checking for his heart beat. It felt as though my own heart stopped when I didn't hear a single beat or feel a shallow breath. A looked at my baby, laying there on the little cot, when a single tear hit his tiny, still body. Almost as if on queue, he took a sharp breath and cried out to me. I did it just in time, and as I picked him up, the symbol was imprinted onto his smooth skin and its been there ever since."
I listened to her words, intreagued with the miraculous story and her passionant way of speaking of her son. She clearly would do anything for him, so I decided that I would get him back to her, no matter what.
I thanked her for her information, and met up with he others to exchange information. Everyone had found out a lot, which really helped to put names to faces. Now was the task of finding them, searching early tomorrow morning.
'I can't wait to show up with everyone safe and sound, back with their families.'

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