Chapter 54

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I woke up with I quiet yawn and loked up with foggy eyes, "Hey Ci-... Jacob!?" I thought I was asleep on Ciel! I heard a since from him, and he then responded "H-hey."
I had no clue what to do... I remember sitting next to him last night though, I must've fallen asleep due to how tired I was. "I'm... I'm so sorry..." I started, he answered "No it's okay, but you should probably move before Ciel wakes up..." I nodded and slowly started to get up. I stretched and walk towards the entrance of the cave, "I'm gonna go get something for breakfast..." and continued walking. I really just wanted to get my mind off of everything, but I figured since I was out I should do something useful. I walked for about an hour or so, just wandering around. When I decided to go back, I stumbled across a bush of strawberries and a rabbit shortly after. This would be harder than I thought... I don't wanna kill a bunny! I sighed and walked over to it, then got as close as I could and grabbed it. 'I'll keep it alive and if I find something else, I'll let it go...' I thought. I headed for the cave, praying something else would show up. I didn't find a single thing the whole way back!
I looked down at the bunny in my arms, and silently apologised. I walked into the cave and to my suprise, Ciel and Jacob were awake and already cooking!
"Hey! I thought I said I was gonna cook breakfast!?" I exclaimed, a bit relieved really.
"Well, if you wanna kill the bunny then be my guest."
"Did you forget we can read your thoughts?" they both laughed.
"...No... Thanks." I turned and let the bunny go free, and walked to them placing the strawberries down. We ate breakfast together and talked for a while, just enjoying ourselves. For some reason though, I couldn't get my mind off of the kiss.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

We finished talking and Ele looked really deep into thought. I peered into her mind and saw that she was still stuck on the kiss. I didn't know how I felt about it anymore... I was still angry and hurt, but I was also confused and sad. I know Ele wouldn't do anything like that, but knowing that someone else forced her to kiss them?
I could tell that she didn't know how she felt about it either.
'I have to make it up to her somehow...' I thought. I turned to Jacob and I think he noticed that I looked to see what she was thinking... Maybe he looked into my mind too for all I know.
'Don't tell her whatever you do.'
I told him, he nodded and I made up an excuse to leave. I started out just walking until I was far away enough from the cave, then sprinted back into where the town was being rebuilt. The property I had bought before was still mine to keep, so nothing was to be built there unless I ordered it to. I worked fast to try and get as much as I could done within the time limit I said I would be out, and only got the framing for the walls done but they weren't up yet. I would have to do this for a few days if I wanted the surprise to work. While there, I saw Lucy and Summer, along with Wendy, Gray, Griffin ext. I filled them in with what was going on and they said the town would be completely rebuilt within 3 weeks with how much help they have been receiving. I walked back to where our camp site is, and before getting in view of the cave I stepped into the water to clean off. I was exhausted from all the work I had done today, but tried my best to act how I normally would.
Normally when I'm this tired, I'm snappy and cranky. We all ate dinner and I thought about what Jacob and Elenore did while I was away. I waited for Ele to fall asleep and turned to Jacob. "So, what happened while I was out?"

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