Chapter 25

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---Ciel's P.O.V.---

Ele and I were finally getting some alone time, which we haven't had in a long while. We're having a picnic, which is nice considering it is Spring. We sat in a large open field that bad green grass as far as you could see, and a river in view. It was really nice, until we heard a loud cracking noise and felt a little uneasy that felt like dark magic. We decided it was just out imagination, and went back to our date. After a few hours, we headed back home so the others wouldn't worry and went to bed. Tomorrow we plan on going out on a mission with Summer.

---Time skip, morning---

When I woke up, I got ready for the day and found Summer here already... Again. I don't know how he keeps getting inside but I've decided just to ignore it. There's no use in fighting with him, especially if he's as strong as he is. He explained that the job we were going on is pretty easy, we just have to take out some bandits and the reward is pretty high. It will earn us 8,000 each. We took off to,our destination and we're excited to actually do something that involves our magic besides just training. They left me to come up with a plan, since I have the "brains" of the group. I decided we would ambush them when they leave the pub, and take them into custody and let the police deal with them from there. Once everyone got into place, we waited for what seemed like hours and then finally they came out. They had just robbed the pub and were pretty happy with themselves until they came face to face with Summer and Ele. When the others tried to run, they were stopped by Gray and myself. Then, Joy, Griffin and Lucy came from the rooftops and tied them up so they couldn't escape.

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

We took them down to the station and got our reward. It feels really good to help people out, and I would do it for free if I didn't have to have money for rent and food all the time. When I got home, Lucy and I got ready for bed and took turns taking our baths. She went first, so I had plenty of time to get my pajamas ready and make dinner. I even went out and talked to the boys for a little while. Next was my turn, and I intended to relax for a while before getting out. I got out after 30 minutes or so and dried off as best I could before getting dressed. Lucy was gonna sleep with me in my room tonight and we were going to have a girls night to celebrate our first real job. Since there's no such things as movies or t.v. here, we just talked about stuff that's been going on while we aren't together. It didn't seem like much, but we really enjoyed catching up. Even though we live in the same house, it still feels like we live a few blocks away from eachother, just like in the other world. We even talked about our training and how well it's going. Lucy's gotten a few other keys and I've gotten 45% of my power unlocked. Ciel has mastered his magic, and Gray still trains on his own and even gets into fights with Summer occasionally. Everything seems to be going really well for us right now, but I fear something dangerous is coming our way.

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