Chapter 7

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---Gray's P.O.V.---

'Oh crap! What am I going to do'
I paced back and forth in my room, thinking of how much trouble I'm in.
'There's no way... Right? I'm the only one... RIGHT?!'
I thought back to that night, reliving the moment to make sure I saw what I think I saw.
'Its impossible for her to... Impossible for her to control fire! Plus she has her hand bandaged... But then again, how did it just catch on fire?!'
I lay down on my bed and sighed. 'What am I going to do?!'

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

"We totally fooled him, there's no way he can know!" I was on the phone with Griffin. "All I'm saying is, after school he was on the phone again and he was TALKING ABOUT YOU! He was saying that he thinks you have a 'special power' and then he started talking about himself."
"Maybe he's just worried that I will do something to get him in trouble..."
"Whatever, let's talk tomorrow okay? Its getting late anyways. Goodnight Elenore."
"Yeah... Night."
I hung up and then got a text from Lucy.
'Yo you up?'
'Yeah, but only for a minute I'm getting ready for bed now.'
'Okay cool do you have a minute to talk on the phone?'
'I guess'

---Lucy's P.O.V.---

I had to talk to Elenore... NOW! I overheard something about Gray...

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I was getting ready for bed and looked at the bruise on my stomach. It was getting better from what I could tell, but it still hurt to bend over or anything of the sort. Of course, I played it off pretty well in front of the others, but couldn't help but wince when Griffin was a little rough with the dodgeball during gym. I said I wasn't feeling well and was told to stop playing.
'Stupid bruise, at least I know Ele is safe if she gets in a fight.' Finally, I laid down in bed before realizing that I forgot something really important I was supposed to do... 'What is it?!' Now I couldn't sleep.'That's gonna bug me for days...' Finally after several minutes of concentrating, I remembered. I jumped out of bed and slipped my pants and shirt back on and rushed out the door, and ran straight to Gray's house.
There was a commotion going on in the back, but I knocked on the door anyways. No answer.
"Hello?" I called.
I walked around and peeked into the backyard and saw something amazing.
I ran straight back home and texted Ele.
"You won't believe what I just saw!"
"Tell me!"

---Next day---

I quickly made my way to school to meet up with the rest. The news of what I was last night was shared to my small group of friends and had them all excited to sneak out tonight to see if we could watch it tonight, if it would happen again.
On my way, I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry!" I looked up to see a man about 4 inches taller than myself, with long, raven black hair and dressed as properly as me.
"No, excuse me I believe it was my fault." I replied.
"You look oddly familiar, what's your name?"
"I-I'm Ciel, and you are?"
"My name is Sabastion" he smiled. "Best be on my way!" And he walked off.
"Yeah, me too..."
'How do I look familiar to him? I don't think I've ever seen him before...'

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