Chapter 18

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---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I can't believe she's actually gonna fight him. She wouldn't listen to me! What if she gets hurt?! I understand this will help her in the long run, but still... We don't know if Gray is planning something or not. Gray let Elenore throw the first punch, which he quickly dodged. I could tell she didn't put much effort into it, maybe she knows how to fight after all...

---Elenore's P.O.V---

I threw the first punch, but not with much effort. I could tell Ciel was worried, but I needed this. Gray dodged my punch and swung next. I let it hit me, and it hurt a lot worse than expected. 'Fuck that hurts! I won't let it happen again!' I didn't let myself cry out in pain, instead I ignited my fist and swung as hard and as fast as I could. It hit Gray directly in his stomach, knocking the air out of him. He gasped for air for a second, but soon went back to normal. We both swung, we both dodged. I decided this wouldn't be enough, so I focused my power outwards, landing a long distance attack with my flames. It was the same move I did on my father, if that's what you want to call him, but I spat my flames directly on him, and I could almost hear him scream. Before I could get too happy, he did the same to me but with his ice. He froze me in a thick layer of ice, and I couldn't break through.
"Looks like I won Elenore." he smirked.
I tried moving out from my new found ice-prison, but couldn't.
'Not just yet...' I thought, and soon the ice was melting off my skin. I rose my body temperature to around 150°, and charged at him again. I lit my hand on fire and hit him with all my might. He then changed something, and ice shards came flying at me and pierced my skin, and I was too tired to fight back. I sat on the ground out of breath, "you... Win..."
"That's what I thought. Maybe when you get some more training, we can do this again!" he smiled and held his hand out to me. I hesitantly took it, and soon Ciel came over and helped me home.
I laid in bed with my eyes shut, but then I heard a knock on the door. I walked downstairs and answered it since mum was still at work, and to my surprise the little girl I saw Gray with that night was there.
"H-hi Elenore. I'm W-wendy." she stuttered.
"Oh... Uh hi. How do you know my name? Or my address?"
"S-sorry! Gray asked me t-to come help you... Since you g-got hurt fighting him today..."
I could tell she was nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll show you!" she had new found confidence in herself and followed me up to my room.
She instructed me to lay in my bed and stay still. Next, she put her small hands over me and a small blue light was emmited. I could feel my body starting to heal, and my strength coming back.
"W-wow! Thanks, Wendy! How can I repay you?" I smiled at the young girl.
"It's nothing really, I just enjoy helping people in anyway I can. You don't owe me a thing!" she smiled back, and then left after giving me her phone number. "Call me anytime!"
"I will, bye Wendy!"
I then sat and waited for my mum to come home, and she helped me study for finals next week.

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