Chapter 81

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---Lucy's P.O.V.---

It felt nice to finally have a break from the war, the enemy hasn't attacked all day. We were still preparing for an ambush just in case, but still, relaxing felt nice. My soar muscles could finally rest and my battered body could sit still and loosen up. I laid in the grass, enjoying the weather and soft breeze, waiting for any intel from Gray and Summer who went to scout.
"H~aah. It feels so nice today! Wendy, don't you agree?"
"Hmm. Yeah, this break feels nice too. Would you like me to try and heal some of your wounds?"
I shot up and looked to see who was calling us so desperately, and saw, to my surprise, Maura carrying a blood-soaked Ciel. She had tears streaming down her red face, and she looked exhausted.
"Maura!" Wendy took off to help, and I followed suit. We took Ciel off her hands and laid him down, Wendy getting to work immediately. Maura wiped her eyes and looked down at him, then almost fell over with shock. She tried speaking, but I couldn't understand a single thing she was trying to say. I got her some water as quickly as I could, which she drank rather quickly. She thanked me as she regained her breath, then took off running back to the enemy camp. I decided not to follow, in case something happened to Wendy while she was desperately trying to heal Ciel in his near-death state. He looks even worse than he did when Jacob had almost killed him, and even then it took several nurses and weeks for him to even wake up. It didn't take Gray and Summer very much longer to arrive after Maura left, so I sent Summer to go and help her with whatever she ran off to do.

---Summer's P.O.V.---

With my stamina and endurance, I was able to make it over to the enemy base in no time, and not nearly as tired as anyone would be. What shocked me though, was Maura's desperation trying to save both Ciel and Jacob by herself, not even explaining anything to anyone. When I got there, she was trying to hoist Jacob up onto her back, and he was in the worst shape I've ever seen him in.
"Maura! Here, let me help you." I went to her side and tried lifting Jacob onto my back instead, and Maura looked up at me with hesitancy and watery eyes.
"Take your time coming back, you need rest. Don't push yourself, I'll get him back in no time. Don't worry."
I ran back as quickly as I could, seeing as I had someone's life on the line. Surprisingly, Maura got back not too long after I did, and she sat next to Jacob while Wendy hovered over him and healing the both of them at once. Wendy was short of breath, and running out of magic fast. The light blue aura was radiating from her hands, circling around her arms, and dancing across Ciel and Jacob's still bodies. I have to admit, her magic has gotten a lot stronger since when she first arrived. I wouldn't say she mastered it yet, but she definantly knows what she's doing now. Gray and I focused on her the whole time, making sure she wasn't over-exerting herself in the process of healing. Lucy kept a close watch as well, wiping her forehead with a damp cloth when she started sweating, giving her water when she seemed parched, and calming her breathing at times. When it got dark, we made her take a break to eat. Out of all of us, she had the most considering she had the most important job and was exerting the most amount of magic. The rest of us took turns staying up with Wendy and watching, just as Lucy was before. Maura was a mess, and still hadn't told us anything about what had happened to any of us, who were craving the information that she was keeping to herself. She just stared into the distance with a sorrowful look on her face, not uttering a word. She barely ate anything too, and during dinner she just stared at her plate like it was the person who slaughtered everything she ever loved. I pittied her, and we all agreed to give her time.

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