Chapter 67

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--- Lucy's P.O.V.---

I've been walking around near the others for a way out, making sure I remember how to get back. They say they've been trying to escape for a few days, but to no avail. When I got back, there was some chattering amongst everyone. I asked Brendon, since he was the only one not talking with anyone else.
"Any idea what they're so worked up over?"
"Hm? Oh yes, we recently had visitors who were looking for you. They introduced themselves as mages just as yourself."
My heart hammered in my chest.
"D-do you know where they went?" I practically stuttered my whole sentence out.
"No, but they promised to return soon. They mentioned something about finding you and 'kicking some ass', as Summer mentioned. Whatever that means."
I went over to Jason, asking how to get to the captures little 'den', as he called it.
"First, take a left. Next a right for 3 'blocks', then another right after 7, then a left at 3, a right at 1, then it's the first to your right."
I repeated it in my head, over and over. Apperantly, they had asked for the same directions thinking I've been held seperatly. I raced down the halls, still repeating the directions like a mantra so that I don't get lost. Finally, I came to my destination and ran into the room. Summer had taken Wendy to safely I assumed, since neither of them were there. I looked around and saw Gray has been incapacitated. My eyes traveled up the length of Griffin's body, and when they reached his neck I saw a hand gripped tightly around a knife pressed against it. They traveled to his face, and saw a hand pushed over his mouth, making it impossible to understand him. He looked horrified.
I started to choke on words, unable to tell his capture to set him free, unable to utter a single word.
I opened my mouth to speak, but then he spoke instead.
"I suggest you not say a word, or things might just get messy here, Lucy."
'He... He knows my name!?'
I swallowed hard and listened to what he had to say.
"Now, you have a choice. His life, or everyone in that room."
I looked to Griffin, horrified of the choice I've been tasked with. He was wide eyed, and was trying to yell something. I couldn't understand what he was saying, I couldn't even focus on my own thoughts.
'Here I am, tasked with the choice of one of my ear friends life v.s. the lives of 12 innocent people. What do I do!?'
I concentrated on his face, he was looking at me, and then away twords the direction of the room.
'He wants me to save them... But I have to save him too!'
"Time is ticking, Lucy."
I looked back at his face apologetically, still weighing the decision I had to make. It sounds so selfish to save him v.s. 12, but this is one of my friends were talking about here!
"Tick-tock~," he mocked, "we don't want me to make the decision, do we?"
That's when I heard Summer racing through the halls.
"Lucy! Griffin! Gray! I'm coming!" I looked to the door as saw him run in, eager to fight this guy and take him down. As soon as he came through though, we heard a gut-wrenching noise. The sound of blade against flesh.
"Oops. It seems there has been an accident." he smirked, running at us now. I could only focus on Griffin, his still body on the ground with blood oozing out ever so slowly onto the ground, mixing with the dirt. His eyes were brimmed with tears, but they were also dull. His once cloudy grey eyes have now lost their spark, and the small veins in the whites were protruding and seemed to be the only bright color. I watched as his ragged breath inhaled, and detailed for the last time. It all happened so quickly, and yet felt like years.
Griffin... is dead.

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