Chapter 30

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---Ciel's P.O.V.---

The girl finally gave me her name. Louis. She said it would be a better fight if I knew her as well... She even went so far as to tell me her magic. She could make just about any animal she pleases. I think she called it "Animal-make-magic".
She attracted attention from guests as well, which leads me to believe that she had a good plan.
I took my stance as did she. I focused into her mind and read that she was going to make a tiger. I had to time this perfectly, if I wanted to live. I jumped just in time, but got a slight scratch in my leg. I winced slightly, but went to further my distance from the tiger. It must take a lot of her magic to keep it out here chasing me, because she soon called it back and looked a bit tired.
Next, she looked fully re-energized and summoned a bunch of spiders. I'm not too fond of these things... But I have to keep fighting for Elenore. I began to fling them back at her by the bunches using my telekenisis. She looked utterly indifferent. I then looked around for a place I can hide for a bit... So I can take her down. I saw that one of the curtains lead to the balcony, which then leads to many different rooms. I climbed as quickly as I could and she summoned a monkey to chase me. It chased me all the way up the curtains, but it was then out of her magic range and disappered. I ran down the long hallway, and randomly closed doors behind me to confuse Louis. I then picked one at random and slowed my breathing. I then listened, and focused into her thoughts. She's looking in each room very carefully and calling my name as she goes. I noticed that I was in the same room Elenore was in, so I grabbed all of her things she had brought with her, aka her pajamas, and opened the window. I looked out behind me one last time, and jumped. I landed harder than I would have liked, but I ran to check on Elenore. I swear, one day... I will come here and seek revenge on these people. How dare they hurt Ele... My Ele! I ran all the way home, and flung open the door, then ran to Elenore's room. I didn't bother knocking, since I knew what she was doing after a quick search of her thoughts.
"Are you okay!? Did they hurt you? I swear they will pay!" I asked frantically.
"No Ciel, I'm okay... Just promise me you won't go in there without me." she stated calmly.
"Are you sure? They didn't... Touch you... Did they?" I said, blushing a little.
"No, they were actually pretty nice besides the fact that they kidnapped me..."
"Okay good. How's your head?"
"Ciel, I'm fine. Really."
"Okay. What's this around your ankles?"
"Oh... It prevents me from using my magic. I've been trying to get them off the whole time I've been there."
"Oh, let me get it for you." I gingerly grabbed her leg and lifted her dress a little to see the cuffs better.
I looked around and found that there was a sharp piece of scrap metal, which I placed into the hold and molded it with my powers, turning it into a key and twisting it, unlocking the cuff from around her ankle. I then moved to the next one, and unlocked it as well.
"There." I smiled. As I looked back up to her face, I noticed that she was blushing. I then blushed as well, noticing my position.
I got back up and pushed my hand through my hair.
"S-sorry about that."
"It's okay..."
I grabbed her hands and pulled her closer. "I'm so glad your back." I smiled, putting my face in the crook of her neck.
"I'm glad I'm back too." she smiled warmly.
I pulled back a little, looking into her eyes.
Then, I slowly leaned in. My eyes closed on instinct as our lips met. My stomach still gets butterflies when we kiss, and it's magical.
When we finally pulled away, I smiled. "I love you, Elenore."
"I love you too, Ciel."

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