Chapter 10

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---Griffin's P.O.V.---

Elenore. That's all I had on my mind. 'How is she taking the news of Gray?' I wondered to myself. Ciel is still asleep, so i sat quietly not to disturb him. 'Wonder why hes still asleep... Normally he's awake before me. How late was he even up?' I tried to remember how late it was before I finally fell asleep. 'It was around 2... Surely he didn't stay up late did he?'
It was now 11:30 a.m., and finally, Ciel started to 'come alive'.
"Hey sleepy head!" I teased.
"... Don't call me that" he grumbled back
"Let's get some breakfast I'm hungry."
"Same." We walked out into the kitchen and his mum was one step ahead of us, and had fresh fruit laid out and waffles on the way.
After eating, we made our way out the door to Lucy's house. We decided it would be best not to invite Elenore... She probably needs time to think anyways.
We spent the day together and then Ciel left, leaving me and Lucy alone together. Lucy is a nice girl, and there's not a single guy at school who isn't head-over-hills for her, but that's because she's really... Busty.
'I feel awkward with it just me and her...'
Ever since Elenore started dating Gray and I stormed out on her, I kinda just got over her. I guess it wasn't really a crush, maybe just lust. Anyways... The point is is that being alone with Lucy will be weird.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I stayed up past 5 last night... Or should I say this morning. I just couldn't stop worrying about Elenore. I went to go check on her after I left Griffin and Lucy, even though they asked me not to. To be fair, she hadn't answered my calls or texts all day. If I know Elenore, which I'm positive I know her better than them, then she needs help right now.
I knocked on the door and got nothing. I knocked a little harder.
Nothing. I rang the doorbell, becoming more desperate for her to answer with each minute. I checked to see if it was unlocked, and it wasn't.
Now I really panicked. "ELENORE?!" I yelled for her as loud as I could. Still nothing.
I climbed up the tree by her window and peeked inside.
I tapped on the window, and focused to see if I could find her inside.
"Ele tell me if your not... Decent I'm coning in!"
I opened it up and slipped inside.
"Ele?!" I called her name again.
"Are you okay?!" I still didn't get an answer. 'She better be okay.. I'm not gonna face charges for breaking and entering from her parents for nothing!'
I walked around her room looking for her, and still couldn't find her, but I heard someone in the bathroom.
"Ele is that you? I'm coming in! Cover up if your not decent..." My face heated with the thought.
Just in case she didn't hear, I knocked.
After no answer, I walked in and saw her.
She turned around and her face turned bright red, as did mine. She was halfway into changing after her shower. "C-Ciel! W-what are you doing here!" she covered herself up with her towel and I covered my eyes.
"S-s-sorry!" I turned and felt my way to the door closing it behind me.
"I was worried about you and you haven't answered me hardly at all in 2 days!"
"I'm sorry I was... I didn't feel like talking to anyone..." She sounded really sad or even depressed.
She walked out, her face still really red and made her way to the bed to sit down, making it easier to talk without shouting.
I felt my face heat up again remembering her... Half-naked... 'That's gonna haunt my dreams for a while...'
I shook the thought from my head and we discussed everything from why I came to why she was upset, and I eventually went home for dinner and then bed. 'I hope she's not mad for me... Intruding her private space...'

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