Chapter 4

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

~Time skip 1 month~

I woke up, but not to my alarm. I heard something outside my window. 'Who is at my house this late?!' I said checking the time. Its was 2:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
I quietly opened my window, "hello?" I whispered.
"Elenore?" I heard back.
"What are you doing here Gray?!"
"I came to ask you something..."
"It couldn't wait until morning?! You could've called me instead!"
"... I-I wanted to ask in person..."
"Okay... I'll be down in a second." I quietly walked down the stairs and checked my parents room on the way to the door. 'Good, still sleeping.' I walked out the door with a light blanket around my shoulders, my white nightgown barely covered my knees. "What is it?" I asked.
"I-I uh... I um..."
'Are his cheeks red?! No, impossible...'
"Will... Will you go out... With me?" He stammered.
My heart beat faster, 'me? Go out... With him?!'
"S-sure!" 'You answered way too fast...' I though to myself.
"Oh okay good! I was nervous you'd say no..." He chuckled in relief. "Well... Go back to bed Elenore." He smiled and walked away back to his house. My heart leaped with joy 'I can't believe it! He asked me out!'
I raced back upstairs and jumped into bed, covering my face and fell back asleep.
When I woke up, I received a text from Gray
"Hope you slept well, see if you can hang out today :) "
I replied "I did and I'll ask mum!"
A few minutes later "It took some convincing, but mum said its cool"
"Awesome pick you up in a bit be ready"
My heart was beating out of it's chest! I got ready as fast as I could and waited by the door. Within 10 minutes, I heard a knock. 'Don't answer right away, you'll seem desperate!' I waited a few seconds and opened the door. "Hey" he smiled. "H-Hi."
We walked to his house and about an hour after playing chess, he got a text. "Oh shoot!" He mumbled. "What is it?"
"I forgot I had a party next month, wanna come with?"
"Uh... Sure but I'd have to ask my mum."
"Ok" he smiled again.
A few hours later, he took me back home.
The next day I had all my friends over again, telling them the good news. For some reason, Griffin looked really irritated. "What's wrong Griffin?"
"? Oh uh... Nothing. I have to go my mum is probably worried..."
He started to rush out the door "O-ok! See you tomorrow!"
"Yea... See you."
About an hour later, Lucy left too, saying that her mum wanted her home for lunch.
Soon after that, Ciel left too but he didn't really have an excuse, just that he was tired and wanted to make up some work he didn't get done Friday.
Within a blink of an eye, it was dinner time, then it was off to bed to start the new week but before i could sleep, I got an okay from my mum for the party.

~Next month at party~

I was at a party with Gray. Everyone seemed to know me, but I've never seen any one of these people in my life! They all greeted me like they've known me for years 'I feel strange about this...' I've been dating Gray for about a month now, and hes been really nice to me. I still haven't shown him my secret, but I think I might after the party because I feel as though I can trust him. My friends don't really seem to like him, and they always tell me that 'hes... off' I don't think I know what they mean, but I'm starting to at this party how they might feel.
After being lost in thought for almost 5 whole minutes, Gray shook me out of them offering a dance to a slow song that came on. Of course, I accepted. We started dancing, and he held me close and as the song pace picked up, the faster we danced. Next, he began to spin me around and left me alone in the center of the dance floor, smiling, so I smiled back. 'That was fun!' Click
Before I knew what was going on, a gooey liquid had covered me head-to-toe. '?!' I turned to see Gray laughing and holding his sides. "YOU-YOU THOUGH *laugh* YOU THOUGHT I WANTED TO REALLY DATE YOU?!" Soon the whole crowd erupted with laughter as well, and I felt my hand warm. 'Oh no...' I looked to see that my hand had caught fire, and was starting to ignite up my arm.
"Wow dude, that stuff isn't flammable... Is it?!" Gray questioned the boy next to him. "No I thought I out water!"
"EVERYONE RUN!" a girl shouted from the back and throughout the crowd I heard names such as 'fire freak' and 'flame girl'. I raced back home and hid in my room, deciding that I wouldn't go to school tomorrow. 'How am I going to get out of this one?'

ElenoreWhere stories live. Discover now