Chapter 42

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---Ciel's P.O.V.---

It looks like they will be out for a while, so I slowly made my way back into town. When I got there, I helped people who were stuck in the rubble and told them to travel north, and don't stop until they reach the shore. I however, traveled east when I left. I intentionally gave them the north direction, because I intend to end that think once and for all. They would be safer at the shores anyways. I went into abandoned houses and looked around for any supplies I could take back with me, and I found a few flasks, some cookware, food, clothing, 4 rags, bandages, 2 tents, a fire and first aid kit, 4 blankets, 8 sheets, soap, a machete, and 3 large bags to put it all in. I also found Lucy and Summer, along with Joy, and then later found Gray and Wendy. They all left together north to help the survivors set up camp and heal the injured. Next, I made my way back to Elenore and Jacob, hoping they would still be alright. When I finally made it, they were still asleep so I went to the stream and filled up all the flasks and gathered wood for a fire later. When I got back after that, Jacob was awake.
"Oh good, you're up." I passed him one of the flasks and he drank it, then looked back at me.
"Thanks." he then got up and walked over to a nearby tree by the stream and climbed up. I could tell he was thinking of something, so I left him be and checked on Ele. She was gonna wake up soon, so I pitched the tents for later tonight and tried my best to make sure everything would be comfortable for everyone. When I finished, she was awake and starting a fire with the wood I had brought earlier. Everyone was really quiet, and I'm not really good at starting conversation but I tried my best anyways.
"How about we cook something yeah? We could all get to know eachother better."
They agreed and joined me by the fire while I cooked. In really good at cooking, since I've been practising on my free time to impress Elenore one day, and it looks like that time is now. It seems like everyone enjoyed the soup I made, and they even got seconds. When we were all finished, Elenore stated that she wanted to bathe. I jumped up and ran to the bag and pulled out a rope that I had found, and strung it up around trees that were around the stream, then places sheets on top so Jacob and I couldn't see her.
She walked off to bathe and I was left alone with Jacob. He tried to avoid my gaze.
He looked at me then, "Yeah?"
"We don't hate you. Don't worry okay? I promise we will beat that thing, no matter what. I don't know if this means much... But thanks for watching out for Ele for me while I was out... And I'm sorry if I've been a dick lately. But I promise, neither Ele, nor I, have anything against you."

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