Chapter 40

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---Lucy's P.O.V.---

I woke up early the next day and started to get ready to move. I have a lot more stuff to move than Elenore and Ciel, so I'm starting early. I took a quick bath and brushed my hair and went to eat breakfast. After that, I brushed my teeth and waited for Summer and Joy to show up and help me move my things. They showed up earlier than I expected, so we started right away. The house was kinda far, but it was closer to Summer's place so we can go on more jobs together. It took almost all day to move everything since we had to walk. We stopped during the last trip at a diner and had a late lunch. We both ordered a lot of food and are as quickly as we could, then went back to my new home. He was gonna stay here over night so he can help unpack when we wake up. 'I can't wait to be completely moved in, and not having to depend on others all the time!'

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I finished moving in to the new house with Ciel and began unpacking. We finished a little after lunch and decided to just eat at home and then go out to celebrate. When we finished eating, we thought that an amusement park would be fun. I got ready, as did Ciel, and we started walking. We got a little past our old house and we felt rumbling. We prepared for the earthquake that was obviously about to happen and went into an open space. We heard something shatter and then we're sprayed with wood and debris. I shielded my body the best I could before I went down to the ground. Ciel then wrapped his body around mine to protect it even more, and his back was turned twords the chaos. People were screaming and running away from it all, and the noise was making it difficult to focus on what to do next. When it stopped flying everywhere and the noise died down a little, a shadow crept over the ground, growing in size ever so slowly. I didn't even think about it, I just ran into the havoc.
When I arrived I saw a huge beast and it had just destroyed Jacob's home. I charged at it with my fists on fire and punched it with all my might. It did practically nothing. All it did in return was slap me out of the air. I flew pretty far and the last thing I heard and saw was Ciel calling my name, and when I looked up I saw a suprized Jacob before passing out.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I started running after Elenore soon after she took off.
She kept running and I saw her leap into the air and punch the beast. It just looked at her and swatted her out of the air like she was nothing. She landed a few feet away... Right in front of Jacob.
"ELENORE!" I ran over to them as fast as I could but I was still so far away. I just saw Jacob reach down and touch her face before picking her up. I called to him. "Jacob!"
He turned and looked at me and slowly made his way over. When he reached me I grabbed his arm and began running again.
"We need to get her somewhere safe! Then we can come back and fight... Are you in!?"

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