Chapter 77

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---Maura's P.O.V.---

I'm getting really worried now. Its been over an hour and Elenore still isn't back, and no new enemies have came either. I wonder if she's finished what she went to do. It she has, shouldn't she be back by now?
Just as all these thoughts were circulating in my mind, it was stopped abruptly when I heard a warping noise and the lights on the room flickering. I turned and saw the portal flickering.
"Elenore!" I yelled a little to loudly, remembering the circumstances I'm in. I ran twords the portal, reaching out my hand as if somehow my hand reaching into it would stop it from disappearing; but I knew what was happening. Before I could reach it, it faded completely away.
"Elenore!? Elenore!" I swung my arms together where the portal was just seconds before, and felt my hands wrap around my arms. I was hugging myself now, completely unaware of the footsteps getting louder by the second.
"ELENORE!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, finally understanding what she meant. That was the last time I saw my sister. I went to try and hide myself, but noticed that the enemy troops ran past the door in mass numbers. Whatever they're after must be strong. Or whoever.

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

"What do you mean "hate you"? Why would I hate you for anything other than the fact that you're trying to kill my friends?"
"Oh my dear, sweet, Elenore. How smart, yet ignorant you are. Time will tell, darling." she stepped down from her throne and grasped my face, cupping it gently in her hand and tilting her face. "I pity you. Really, I do."
I pulled away from her touch and stood firmly in my place. With a strident voice, I made it clear for her to not touch me and call me by her pitiful names.
She looked pesonally offended by what I said, and was taken aback by my sudden outburst.
"My, how much you've changed. I'll be sure to not call you by anything other than your name, Elenore."
'What does she mean that I've changed!? I've never met her in my life... Have I?'
"Thank you. May I have your name as well? Or is that something I'll have to "learn in time."
We spoke the last of my sentence in unison, and I unwillingly accepted it for her answer.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

Something isn't right... I couldn't sleep well so I went to look for her, but couldn't find her and Maura anywhere. Jacob must have sensed it too, because he's just as frantic as I am. We figured that they've been captured by the enemy, and went on a rescue mission.

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