Chapter 34

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

Another week has gone by, and I've noticed a voice that isn't mine. I think it might be Jacob's. I've elected to ignore it for the time being... I'm too depressed to do anything. My biggest accomplishment since the accident was batheing, and maybe eating something small here and there. They all stopped coming to my door. I'm glad about it, but kinda sad at the same time. It's like, I'm glad they've left me alone, but did they just stop caring? Maybe I should go outside today, and get some fresh air. I breathed heavily and slowly moved my arm into position to push myself up. Next, I put my legs over the bed and stepped down, then fully standing I walked into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. The once happy, cheery girl full of life and meaning is now a depressed one with hollowed, tear stained cheeks and dark eyes that have no gleam. I looked like a mess. My hair was unkempt and messy, my clothes are the same pajamas I've worn for about 5 days because I haven't found the energy to change, I looked unhealthy. I slowly undressed and looked one last time before taking a bath. I scrubbed for about an hour or so, and then started on my hair. I walked back to my room with my towel carefully laid around my shoulders, and started looking for something nice to wear. I pulled out a simple dress and some flats, and began to change. When I finished, I brushed my hair and it dried from the warmth of my hand. I looked a little more like me. I tried smiling. It looked forced, I didn't like it. I walked back to my bedroom and to the door, when I touched the doorknob, I remembered something I had heard last week. "...You can see him now..." was that a dream? I sure hope not. I had newfound energy and opened the door a little and peeked out. I found all my friends sleeping peacefully by my door. One of them, Lucy, stirred awake.
"Shh! Don't wake the others."
She calmly fell back asleep and I walked to the kitchen to make something quick before I leave.
If I wanted to use magic, I was going to have to eat... A lot. After eating, I went outside, and started on my way to the same hospital he's been in. I walked for maybe 2-3 hours, determined to see him again. When I got there, I demanded to see him.
'They... They let me in, with no problem?!' I turned and saw him, with fresh bandages and a look of pain on his face. There weren't currently any doctors here... Maybe they've given up? I heard a small voice behind me, and when I turned and looked, I saw Wendy!
"Wendy!? Why are you here?"
"I-I saw that you left your room and I thought you'd be here... So I followed a little while after you."
"..." I stayed quiet.
"Can I... Do you mind if I use my magic on him?"
"Yes! I forgot you could heal... Please?" I begged.
She went right to work, focusing as much as she could. She told me he's been in a dream-like state, where he has to travel and has been facing a lot of challenges. But, she has some great news...
He's almost done.

ElenoreWhere stories live. Discover now