Chapter 17

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I woke up and opened the window, letting the warmth of the day in. It was a week until Summer, and I was ready for school in less than an hour. When I got there, me and Ciel met up like we have been the past few weeks.
Suddenly, "Hey Ele?"
"Do you and Lucy or Griffin ever talk anymore? You guys used to be so close..."
"Well... No, do you?"
"Once in a while. They... They miss you, you know?"
"Really? Why would they miss me?"
"Well, I explained what happened and they felt really bad. They were hoping you would apologise first but I told them that you had nothing to apologise for. After all, you did nothing wrong."
"So... They don't want to talk to me?"
"No they do, they're just too embarrassed because of what happened..."
"..." I sighed and got up from where I sat.
"Let's go see them." I said, suprizing Ciel.
"W-what? You want to see them?"
"Yup. Lets go."
I started walking without him, but he caught up pretty fast. "Wait Ele! You don't even know where they are!"
"Doesn't matter... They're my friends so I'll find them." he was confused by what he said, but followed anyways. I don't know how, but I knew exactly where they were.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

She has no idea where she's going. Luckily, she's too focused to notice that I practically told her brain where they were. We made it there in about 5 minutes because they were all the way across the campus.
They looked up from where they were and just stared. I could tell Lucy was about to burst with excitement, but not because we were there in general, but because we were holding hands the whole way!
"Oh. My. Gosh! Griffin look!"
He looked up and she let go of my hand, obviously flustered because she didn't notice before.
"You guys are dating?! FINALLY!" Lucy ran up and gave Elenore a big hug, as if they never fought. She was really suprized, but then hugged her back and looked really happy. I decided to peak into her thoughts for the moment.
'She trusts me! I finally have Lucy back... My best friend.'
I smiled like a goofball when I heard that, because now Elenore won't be so alone. She has her girlfriend again.

---Time skip---

It was finally summer. We all planned to hang out at the park after school and catch up because of the weeks we missed. We talked for hours and then made our ways home. Of course, I walked Ele home and when we got there, she pulled me into a kiss! "Thanks, Ciel."
She smiled really wide.
"For what?"
"Being there."
"Well then thank you too." I smiled back.
"We should train tomorrow." I nodded my head in agreement and went home.

---Elenore's P. O.V.---

When I met up with Ciel to train, we had a little suprise waiting for us. Gray was there, training.
"Oh hey there Elenore."
"Oh... Hey."
"... Can... Can I train with you?"
"Yeah! We could have a practice fight!"
"Awe yeah! I'm in!"
"Wait no! Ele! You can't fight!" Ciel shouted as we got into position.
"Sure I can!"
"No please don't! What if you get hurt?!"
"Then I get hurt..."
"I like your mindset Elenore." Gray smirked and the fight began.

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