Chapter 26

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I rushed over so whoever was waiting wouldn't get impatient. When I answered, I was greeted by Sabastion.
"Are you busy?"
"N-no, we just got done eating lunch. Why?"
"Well, then I suggest you all follow me." he smiled and started pulling me out of the doorway and called for the rest.
"Where... Are we going?"
"To meet someone important."
After walking for a few short minutes, we showed up at someone's house. It wasn't super fancy like some of the rich people's houses, but it was nice and reminded me of home.
"We're here." stated Sabastion. He began knocking rapidly at the door, and soon a young boy with dark hair and a scarf answered.
"H-Hello? Sabastion what do you w-"
I stood there, stunned. He looks vaigly familier, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Ele? Ele? ELE!" Ciel caught my attention.
"Did you hear anything?"
"Huh? Uh... Yeah..."
"Your lying." he sighed. "Sabastion, of you would?"
"If course. Elenore, this is Jacob. He is the other member I was talking about a few days ago, you know... The rare occasion? I've decided that you should all get to know him, and maybe help him with things around here. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, sure. I don't mind."
I was only half listening because I was still trying to figure out where I knew him from. I could tell he was curious about me as well. It wasn't just that I felt as if I knew him from somewhere, something about him seemed... Off? I don't know, I shouldn't be so quick to judge. After our little "meeting", Summer showed up with a job, which we all happily accepted.

---Time skip---

We're finally back home! The job took almost 2 whole days to do since it was out of town. The train ride alone was 8 hours! I got in the bath to relax and read a book to ease my nerves. Something about the job was off. I tried to focus, but something kept drawing my attention away. I decided just to get out and try to get some rest. 'I'm probably just tired...' I thought to myself. I put on a tee-shirt and crawled into bed. I rolled on to my side and closed my eyes. Nothing. 'WHY CAN'T I SLEEP!?' I internally screamed. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours before eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I walked outside to get fresh air when suddenly, I felt my body moving on its own! I tried to scream for help from Lucy since she was the only other one home, but I couldn't even open my mouth! I could tell that I was walking into the woods, and began to get frightened. Of I can't move my body, I can't use my magic. I just hoped that nobody was there to do anything to me before I was able to get control of my body. I got into a clearing and saw a shadow-like figure in the trees, and suddenly I fell to the ground, uncontious.

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