Chapter 31

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I'm so happy to finally be home. I have to remember to thank Jacob too, for helping Ciel get me back here. Just when I started getting ready for the day, I heard a shakey voice in my head, saying that he wouldn't be around anytime soon, and that his mother died. It really sounded like Jacob, but... Does he use the same magic as Ciel? I waved it off and decided to go check on him tomorrow.
The day came and went by so fast, and I took a long breath and decided to bathe and go to bed.
When I woke up, I decided to check on Jacob. I brought over to him freshly baked sweets and a soft blanket I made in my free time to help cheer him up.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I was walking down the street with Griffin and Summer to go meet someone for a mission we're all supposed to do. Something felt really off though as I walked past Jacob's house, like a dark aura was all around. Summer felt really uneasy, and detected it way sooner than the rest of us since he has lived here his whole life. We tried to pick up the pace but it felt like the faster we walked, the slower we moved.

---Lucy's P.O.V.---

Elenore has no idea, but when she came back I was home and saw EVERYTHING that she and Ciel did. It was sooo cute~! I couldn't stop thinking about it, and wondered if I was meant to be in a relationship with anyone here... Maybe S-
No. No Lucy. Bad. No way he would like you like that! Plus, you've only known each other for a few months! But still... A girl can dream. I giggled to myself a little at my own crazy thoughts, and ran myself a bath. When I got out, I decided to go see what my friends were up to but soon realized that the only ones home were... Gray and Wendy. I sighed and decided to talk to Wendy instead of Gray. He gets on my nerves sometimes. Wendy and I talked for a few hours and decided to go for a walk, and Gray said he was going to meet up with one of his "friends". He swears there's nothing going on, but judging by the hint of pink on his cheeks, I chose not to believe him. I stored that into my "memory box" for now, as I like to call it, and save it for the future.

---Wendy's P.O.V.---

I was really excited when Lucy asked me to walk around with her, because I am supposed to meet one of my new friends here but couldn't get out of the house without telling my brother. I sighed for a moment, then put a smile back on my face as I realized we were going twords where I'm supposed to meet him. My face heated up a little. I looked up to Lucy and continued walking, but when she looked back down at me I looked to my feet to hide my faint blush. I heard her chuckle in reply. She suddenly stopped at a bakery... The same one I am supposed to meet my friend at! This is perfect!
"Say Wendy, do you want to get some sweets?"
"Sure!" I practically ran inside, eager to see if he was there or not. Then I froze. He wasn't here yet.
"Wow, you must be hungry yeah? Not even Summer has raced that fast into a bakery before!" she laughed. I decided to go along with me being 'hungry'.
"Yeah, sorry I'm starving! I didn't eat breakfast because I don't really like Gray's cooking anymore. He tries to show off and experiment, but I think it's better when he just follows the recipie."
"I agree. Anyways, what do you want?"
"Hmm... I want those!" I pointed to a small, round disk that looked to be covered in chocolate, and she got herself one as well. We set at a small table and I couldn't help but stare outside, waiting for him to show up. Finally, I see him walking up to the doors, and when he came in Lucy started laughing hysterically!
"L-Lucy?! It's not nice to laugh at random people! Jeez..."
"Oh yeah!? R-random people!?" she laughed even harder.
"Y-you think I don't know an oi t your little d-date!?" she had tears rolling down her cheeks from laughing so hard.
My face instantly went a deep shade of red, and so do his.
"H-how did you-" she cut me off.
"Please, save it. I know everything about everyone. I won't tell your brother though."
She winked and walked away, leaving us to ourselves and in an awkward situation I may add.

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