Chapter 61

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

When we woke up the next day, I was actually first. I got up and ran to get breakfast ready before anyone else could wake up.
When I finished, I quickly raced back and prepared it, finishing just before anyone else woke up. I sighed and wiped at my brow, then served the meal to everyone. When we all finished, Jacob and Ciel went off somewhere, leaving Maura and I to ourselves. We decided to take this opportunity to have fun together, so we got dressed and walked out to the shore of the river to swim. 'It's really nice...' I thought, 'having a family again. Even if it is just a sister.'

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I don't like keeping secrets from Ele, but this one had to be special. Jacob and I have been preparing for weeks, helping to rebuild the town and even our own houses. Today, we were putting the finishing touches on our little surprise. The town has been completely rebuilt, but we've been telling the girls that the town had been out on hold so they think it won't be done for another 2 months! Right now, we are at Elenore and I's future home, setting up for her and Maura's party. Tomorrow is their birthday/welcome home party, and most the town will be there. All that is needed are the cakes, which Wendy and Lucy are baking early in the morning, drinks, which Gray and Summer have gone to pick up, and balloons, which Jacob is out getting at the moment while I hand up other decorations such as the banner. When he gets back, we have the painful task of blowing them all up and setting them. I sighed as I heard the door open, revealing him with dozens of empty balloons. 'Time to get to work...'

---Time skip 1 hour---

"Finally!" I sighed with relief.
"I feel like my lungs are going to implode!" Jacob complained, and I nodded in agreement.
"Same, now we just have to set them up..." I nodded to where I would put them all in a net above, stretched to a string where. if pulled, will release all the balloons onto the guests.
This proved to be a more difficult task than expected, seeing as though whenever we loaded the balloons and went to hang the net, most of them toppled out. Then when we hung the net and tried placing the balloons, the net would tilt. Eventually, we gave up trying to do things manually and just used our magic to help out. We were done within 20 minutes, and checked on the others to make sure everything was ready for tomorrow. Afterwards, we left to go back to Elenore and Maura. They had just got back from swimming and were drying each others hair, straightning it slightly in the process. Then, we waited for morning.

Elenore's P.O.V.---

Ciel and Jacob were gone for most of the day, but when they finally got back most my worry was dissipated. Now I only wondered what secret they have been keeping from Maura and I. We went to bed early that night, mostly because both Jacob and Ciel were complaining of being tired and needed a good night's rest. Maura and I complied and went to bed with them after braiding each others hair for the night. Then next morning however, I had a rude awakening, as did Maura.
"Elenore! Maura!"
"Wake up, hurry! It's an emergency!"
We shot our eyes open and ran out, looking for what was wrong with Ciel and Jacob. When we got out a ways into the wooded area, we were held from behind and blindfolded.
"Hey! Let us go!" we yelled. Our kidnappers acted as if they didn't notice, and continued to carry us off.
After having anti-magic cuffs placed around our wrists, we were helpless. They were at least 'kind' enough to bind us together... At least that's what they called it. For some reason, I felt as if I had heard their voices before, but I couldn't quite remember who they belonged to. We had been traveling for a while and eventually came to a stop. I could hear a door open, and then we were led through it. Then our cuffs were removed, then our blindfolds. What was revealed to us was something I never expected. We were at a party! I turned to look and see who had brought us here, and it was Jacob and Ciel all along!
Then, continuing to look around the room I saw many familiar faces; Lucy, Wendy, Gray, Summer, Joy, towns people, everyone I knew was here to celebrate Maura and I's birthday.
I was so overwhelmed with all of it, and I covered my mouth in surprise and then slowly feeling a single tear slide down my cheek.
"Thank you guys so much!"
I then turned to face Maura, and explained that today was a special day for us, which she soon found to be very exciting and joined in with the party, meeting new people with every turn.

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