Chapter 78

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

"So, they tried coming in a rescue mission?"
"Yes, My Lady. They were stopped, however, they had an amazing amount of strength still left in them."
"Hmm... Yes I suppose they would. They are her friends after all. Maybe one day, they'll be able to move about again freely. For now, keep them where they are. Don't let them escape, but most importantly, don't let them die. You know what will happen if they do."
"Y-yes My Lady."
I had been in my assigned room for the time being, trying to get some rest when I over heard this conversation. However, I couldn't sleep. Not while I knew that my friends were still out there fighting this dumb war. I came here to get things done, but so far, all I've gotten is cryptic answers.
I heard footsteps coming nearer to my door, so I quickly pulled the covers to my head, allowing only my face peek out from under. There wasn't a knock, just a bright light that shone through my room. I didn't dare open my eyes, instead I focused on keeping my breathing normal as if I was asleep. I don't want them to know that I've just heard their conversation, who knows what they would do to me if they found out. When I heard the door click shut, I decided to roll over and try to get some rest again. Finally, after hours of trying, I drifted off to sleep.
Morning was a rude awakening. I could hear all the chaos from my room and all the fussing made by servants. They seemed to be in a rush.
"Hurry! She could wake at any moment!"
"Don't let her know that we fell behind!"
"She musn't know!"
Then, an even louder, strident voice spoke over all of them.
"QUIET! If you don't want her to know, then why are you all yelling about it!? Get back to work!"
After that, it was much more peaceful, but I could still feel the stress radiating from them all as they worked, even though I was a whole floor away.
I decided to get up and start getting ready for the day. I noticed a fresh set of clothes that was laid out for me on a small table next to the door. I began undressing and putting on the new clothes. I was given an outfit that was more lewd than what I normally wear, but seeing as I had no other option, I put it on. It was a dress similar to the princess' yesterday. The dress had only 1 strap across my right shoulder, and it came low across my chest, showing a bit more than what was comfortable. It went down to about my mid-thigh, and fit snuggly around my curves. On the back, it was a mesh-like material that was see-through from my shoulder blades down to my lower back in the shape of a tear drop. Almost immediately after it was on, a servant rushed into my room and began working on my hair and face. I was a bit startled during the whole ordeal, considering I had just woken up and was barely covered in anything. The servant brushed my hair without a word, but almost seemed rushed. Then, she began applying a pinkish tone to my lips, and darkening my eyelashes with mascara. She took a final look at me and began to leave, never speaking the whole time. I reached out to stop her and ask her name, or for the time, anything to keep her in the room with me for a bit longer, but when she turned back around I saw the fear on her face and worry in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but that's when I realised that she had no tongue. She turned around hurriedly and scurried down the hall. I gathered myself and walked out into the corridor, looking around for anyone who could show me the way to the princess' hall. After searching around for a bit, I stumbled across it myself. Without knocking or even hesitation, I opened her chamber door and walked in.

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