Chapter 74

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---Elenore's P.O.V.---

My heart is racing as we run together through the edges of the battlefield. We have to stay low, just in case they have guards around for survailance, so we stick the the dry brush. It takes a while before we make it, considering we wanted pleantly of space between ourselves and the enemy. I take a deep, raged breath, and looked to Maura. She looked just as nervous as I feel, but we both nod and continue on. We reached a semi-base, with very little structure. However, it was still better than the little camp that we have. The main building was a simple, stone building with iron doors, and branched off it it was several little huts where I'm assuming is where they keep officers of some sort, or other head military officials. The rest of the structuring was simple and didn't look as nice, as it was mostly made of scrap metal and chipped wood planks. Now was the time. There's no going back after this.
"M-Maura." "E-Elenore." we spoke each others name at the same time, suprising eachother.
"You first." I uttered.
"Alright," she looked off to the side, "Are you sure... That this is the right thing to be doing? I mean, we left all of our friends alone. There's nobody to stand guard and watch to make sure they're safe."
"No, I'm sure they will be very displeased with us, but I feel that this is best. I'm pretty sure that nobody will try to go there this late, but if they do, we'll see them from wherever we are in the camp. I'm sure they'll be fine. To be honest though, I've been having the same thoughts as you. About not making it out of this, Loosing loved ones, and the like. But, we have to stay strong. This is for them, and I'll gladly give my life for the ones I love."
She looked at me more directly now, "Then I'll do the same. These people have done so much for us, you especially. I would give my life a million times for them if it meant they live happily."
"Right. Now, let's go. We're wasting time just sitting here."
We moved from our viewpoint and went to the front entrance, being cautious while doing so.
We stealthily walked to the door, placing our ears against the cool metal frame and listened for any guards. After a solid few minutes of not hearing anything, we slowly creeper inside through the door, then immedeantly took cover behind base pillars inside. Initially, I didn't notice but the interior is far nicer than the exterior. Instead of the rough stone, the inside is polished and clean. There are also several lavish decorations for a base, including bulky lighting units. After a moment of gaping at the decor, I looked to Maura who was still staring, with wide eyes and hanging jaw. She then looked twords me and began to harden her face, remembering what we're here for. We crept alongside the walls, following the grand entrance to a long corridor. There was one to the left, and one to the right. I didn't want to split up from Maura, and I could tell she felt the same. I figured that there must be more than one corridor that leads to where we're headed. We were running out of time, and We heard the guards making their rounds, coming our way.
We took a right, and hoped for the best. Once we got far enough, we ran as fast as we could in a desperate attempt to get away soon enough without having to face any of our enemies.
We stopped running after a while, panting heavily. We had turned several times, many of which I can't recall. We also came into contact with a few guards, who didn't seem to notice our presence right away. On the battlefield, the name we call them by are "lookers". It's an ironic name really, meant for the sake of humor. They can't see well, so if you stay still long enough, they won't sense your presence anymore and leave.  The only bad part about them is, they multiply on command, making it difficult to defeat them all by yourself.
"Maura. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. You?"
"I'm fine now. Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
Our short conversation was held through raged breaths and pants, as we were still trying to catch our breath. Finally, we began trudging along again, trying to keep the volum levels down as to not alert anyone.
Eventually, we reached several flights of stairs and we began to scale down them with hace. Whatever we're looking for is bound to be down there.
Just as my suspicions, we reached a heavily guarded door, that was heavy and thick. The door was only opened every 10 minutes, and when it was opened, it reased several 'baby' enemies.
"They spawn their missionaries, what should we do?" Maura asked in a hushed tone.
"Let's wait for the door to open again, then we take a look at what's inside. Then, on the next open, we sneak inside like we're one of them. If anyone questions, just make up an excuse. Say we're going in for inspections on the spawner."
Then, we waited.

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