Chapter 11

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---Lucy's P.O.V.---

I ended up leaving shortly after Ciel, it was awkward with Griffin.
It was now Sunday, and I had no plans. I decided just to relax, and then probably go over to Elenore's house to help her train, now that we knew what Gray could do. 'First up, a relaxing hot bath with scented oils, and maybe a face cream.' I thought, turning the handles for the tub. It filled up really slow, so I went downstairs to get some ice tea while I waited. I walked back upstairs and told my parents not to bother me for a while, and proceeded getting ready. Finally, I eased into the warm water and was starting to relax and then... Ping!
My phone went off, signaling that I had a text. I groaned and reached for it, carefully tying not to drop it in the water. I checked who it was, and it was Griffin.
'Ugh what does he want?!'
"Hey are you busy?"
"Yeah why?"
"Oh... I wanted to talk to you for a minute"
"Can it wait?"
"Not really I'm outside."
"Well... Come back in a few hours." Then I put my phone on silence, and returned to what I was doing.

---Griffin's P.O.V.---

'What does she mean come back later?! I'm here NOW and its important!' I started to walk away, but instead decided to stay and wait anyways. I knocked on the door and luckily, her parents let me in. They told me she was in the bath and she asked not to be bothered, but that I was welcome to stay in the living room and make myself at home. So I did. I waited for about 2 hours before I heard the bath start to drain, and then waited another 10 minuted before I went to her bedroom. "Lucy." I heard her gasp. "Don't come in!" "Fine I'll wait geesh..." After a while, she came out and I could finally tell her what was so important. "Gray, he knows about Elenore."
"So? She knows about him."
"True, but what if he tells people?"
"If he hasn't yet, then he probably won't. And plus, we could just tell everyone about him."
"I guess..."
"Also, how are they gonna prove what Elenore can do? They can't make her use fire."
"I guess your right..."
"Is that all you came for?"
"N-no!" I stuttered, not sure how to say what I was going to next.

---Sabastion's P.O.V.---

Ciel. I know what he can do, but does he? I could tell just by looking at him how much power he has, and its a lot more than Elenore's. I don't think he even recognized me... Surely he must know though, he always has his hair covering up his right eye. There's now way its just a coincidence.

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

I've been doing my best, training all day. I've gotten it to where it doesn't show when I get upset, thanks to Ciel. When I got home, my knuckles were bloody and bruised, and I was just hoping my parents didn't notice. Luckily, I was able to slip in without even being noticed, so I headed straight for my room and out some ice on it, and then some ointment that supposedly heals in 2 days or less. In a matter of hours, they were completely gone so I went back out and started training again. 'Where's Lucy? She's supposed to help me...' Thinking this made me train harder and faster, and soon enough I learned a new skill. I could now not only use fire from my hands, but I could breath it as well. I continued to do that, until I was so soar I could barely make it home. I took a long shower, after which I ate and went to bed for a nap.

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