Chapter 73

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---Maura's P.O.V.---

I feel as though my dreams meaning may finally be announced. The war with the demons, is this how my friends and I fall? After all these adventures, is this it? I've made sure to keep this secret from everyone, so I don't worry them. But still, I feel as though they should know. I'm conflicted about telling them, after all, they are my friends and they have a right to know, but on the other hand, what if the dream was just the demons trying to toy with me? What if the dream means nothing? 'Decisions decisions.' I think to myself. I join Elenore's side as we prepare for battle, readying myself for anything. I'd no-one else, I must protect Elenore. She's my sister, and if I loose her, I'll not only loose my life, but all life's meaning. She's all I know.'
"Elenore. Are you ready?"
"Always. What about you? You seem distracted as of late." I switch my gaze from her face to just beyond her in the distance, so it seems that I'm looking her in the eye.
"No, everything is fine. I'm ready." I lied. I'm not as focused as I should be, and if I wanted to make sure we all leave this together, then all my attention needs to be on the enemy.
"Maura, I can tell when you're lying. And I know that eye trick! You learned it from me." she mumbled that last part, pouting a little.
"Look, Elenore. I'm sorry. Its just- I can't tell you yet."
She looked me straight in the eye, making me a little uneasy. She stared seemingly into the depths of my soul, never breaking her focus. Then she leaned in really close, and I could feel her warm breath on my neck.
"Is this about a dream you had a few weeks ago?" she whispered in my ear. She then pulled away, looking into my eyes once again.
"Ho-how did you know?" I stammered. 'There's no way she knows, I didn't tell anyone!'
"Because, I had the same one. I watched everyone die. Just as you did, I presume?" she said softly, so nobody would hear.
"Yes. It was awful! That's why I-"
"Have to make sure we all come out together?" she interupted, finishing my thought before I could. "I know, I feel the same way. I'm determined to make sure nobody dies. Not while I'm still alive."
"So what do you suggest we do?"
"Well. Together, we're almost indestructible, right?" I nodded in agreeance. "So, we keep everyone back and leave during the night on our watch time together, and invade their camp."
"Then what? We can't just take them out just by showing up-"
"Listen, once we've infiltrated the enemy base, we find their 'HQ'. From there, we investigate where the source of all this is coming from. Then, we eliminate it. No matter the cost."
She had a determined look in her eyes, furthering my understanding of her love for her friends. She's willing to take her life for them, even though they'd be devastated without her. I didn't have to think twice in my deviation. No way was I going to let her do this.
Alone, that is. "I'm in."
A spark of hope flashed across her face, and she let a small smile reach her lips before she held out her hand for me to grab as we watched the enemies approach.
"Let's do this. Out watch time is at midnight, so be ready and sleep while you can." she looked back at me and gave me a delicate smile before setting her face and marching into battle.

---Ciel's P.O.V.---

I'm not sure why, but Ele asked me to change watch times with Maura. Normally her and I do it together, but now I've switched to an earlier time with Jacob. I'm getting an odd feeling from all of this, but I trust Ele. Whatever she's planning, if she's even planning anything at all, must be good. She's probably just wanting to spend more time with Maura. It is her sister, after all. It's just after 9-12 p.m., so Jacob and I are on our watch. We'll watch until Ele's shift at 12-3, then Lucy and Summer at 3-6, and then Gray and Wendy at 6-9.
'Better get to work...'

---Elenore's P.O.V.---

Ciel came in to wake me up for my watch, giving me a tender hug before crawling lazily into the bed.
"Yeah, Ele?"
"If I were to die, can I trust that you'd move on?" he curiously opened his eyes and looked up at me.
"Not a chance."
My heart pounded a little faster in my chest. "No, but say I wasn't able to survive the war but you did. Could you move on then?"
"Nu-uh." he shook his head "There's no way I'd move on from you. What is this all about anyways? Where is this coming from, Ele?"
"N-no where! I was just wondering..." I trailed off for a moment, "why wouldn't you be able to move on?"
"Because. I love you more than anything, Ele. If I lost you, I'd go mad. You keep me sane." he chuckled.
I started to doubt myself a little and the decision I made, but kept a straight face.
"Sleep well, Ciel." I leaned in and kissed his cheek as he fell asleep, then went out to meet Maura.

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