1. Could This Get Any Worse?

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I was strolling through town one day, for no particular reason other than I wanted to enjoy the nice weather, when I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. I turned away and thought, No, it couldn't be. That's not really him, is it? So I casually glanced over my shoulder and standing a few feet away was my favorite youtuber, Squid! He caught me staring at him and I quickly looked away. Of course I wanted to talk to him, but what would I say?!

"Hi there, are you Squid? I'm a big fan!" Yeah, right. I didn't want him to think I was a crazy fan girl. I turned back around just to see if he had gone, but he was standing right in front of me!

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking down and turning away. I didn't want this opportunity to go to waste though so I gathered my courage, turned back around and said, "Sorry for staring at you, I thought I knew you from somewhere."

"Well do you?" he asked in his cute British accent.

"I guess I just thought you might be someone that I've seen on YouTube. You wouldn't happen to have a channel, would you?"

"Alright, you can stop playing the clueless card, I am Squid," he teased.

I wasn't sure to be relieved or insulted by that so I said, acting disappointed, "Oh, I thought you were Smosh actually." He gave me a funny look and after a few moments I said, "Oh, I'm joking! Don't look so insulted."

I tried to hide a smile as he laughed, "Well, does this little actress here have a name?"

I crossed my arms, "Who you calling little?"

"Oh, sorry," he said, sounding embarrassed, "I just meant-"

"Kidding," I interrupted. "You really need to get better at noticing that."

He grinned, looking relieved. "I guess I do. Maybe you can teach me over a slice of pizza, miss..."

"Angel," I finished. "My name is Angel." But while I said that I was thinking, Wait, did he just ask ME to have pizza with him?! Ok, ok, act cool, don't be desperate. "No, that's alright, I'm sure you're very busy with all your standing around and such so I'll just leave you to it," I said and started to turn away.

"Well, it's actually not as fun as it seems. Come on, I was going anyway and I'm sure you're just dying inside to have lunch with-" he struck a pose, "a famous youtuber like me."

"Oh you're sure, are you? For your information, I was actually just on my way to meet someone." I wasn't really, I was just saying that to see if he really wanted to talk more.

He actually looked a little disappointed but tried to hide it. "Oh, of course. I guess I'll leave you to it then," and he started walking away.

I sighed, "Well, I guess I could fit you in."

He stopped and turned back, grinning. "I knew you would come around. Come on, I know just the spot."

As we started walking, the reality of what had just happened started to sink in. Squid, my absolute favorite youtuber, had asked me to have lunch with him. How has this happened?! I shouldn't get too excited though because he's obviously just trying to be polite. Ugh, I probably sounded so stupid! He thinks I'm just another fan girl, which I guess I kind of am, but I want to get to know the real him, not the "famous" part like he probably thinks I do.

"Eh hem." I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized he'd stopped walking. "You weren't gonna ditch a squid, were you? They're the worst things to ditch you know, they can get very angry."

"Ha, ha, very funny. Sorry though, I was just thinking about stuff."

"Like how so amazing it is to meet me?" he said, flashing a stupid grin.

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