62. Elsie? Is That You?

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Cole came back to school a few weeks later, but he'd been taken out of all of my classes and we just ignored one another if we ever saw each other. He didn't apologize, which I hadn't expected him to, but I would've appreciated it. I mean it's the least he could do for what he'd done to me. I didn't think about him very often, I had better things to do with my time than be angry at him.

My cast was finally ready to be removed and since everything else had healed as well, I was looking like my old self again. Well, actually, not quite like my old self. I was starting to look a bit different. I'd switched from glasses to contacts, my braces had finally come off, and I was really into makeup at the moment. My friends guessed that since I couldn't stand out with my acting and singing anymore, that this was my way of expressing myself and getting noticed, but I didn't know if they were right. I mean I'd never cared about being popular or standing out before, why would I now?

My new videos were being received with mixed opinions. A lot of people said they didn't mind the change, that they were just happy I was back, but others were disappointed. They said they tried to keep watching, but they just couldn't handle how I sounded, which I could understand. I would feel the same way if this had happened to one of my favorite youtubers. My subs count kept fluctuating up and down but I didn't mind. As long as there were still some loyal fans, I was happy.

The fanclub was going really well, it was up to 1,000 people. Any haters that found their way on were immediately shot down and blocked by moderators. I made a profile on the site and the gurls verified me so everyone knew it was the real me when I went on there. I participated in the chats every once in a while and everyone went absolutely mental whenever I did. Squid even made an account and would join me if he ever saw I was on.

Time was just flying by like it always did and before I knew it, it was almost Christmas.

"This is just crazy!" I exclaimed to David when I was Skyping him one day. "It feels like I just made my channel yesterday! How has it already been a year?"

He chuckled, "Tell me about it. It's been four years for me! How do you think I feel?"

I shook my head, "This has to be a dream. It's just too good to be real."

He pinched his arm, "Ouch! Nope, it's not a dream, I can verify it."

I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked. I propped my elbow on my knee and leaned my chin on my palm, "So, what are your big ideas for Christmas? Got a special Squiddy Sundays planned?"

He scratched his ear, "I've actually been meaning to talk to you about it."

"I'm listening."

He wrung his hands, "Well, the guys and I have been talking, and we were thinking that we should do something for charity."

I smiled, "That's a really good idea. What did you have in mind?"

"We've been bouncing around the idea of a live stream."

I nodded, "Sounds cool."

"Would you... like to join us?" he asked hopefully.

I grinned, "Do you even have to ask?" I grabbed my phone and went my calendar app, "When is it? How long were you thinking? A few hou-"

"Angel," he interrupted.

I stopped and glanced up at him. "Yeah?"

He sighed and closed his eyes, "There are sponsors for this."

"Yeah, I know."

"Most of them are clothing companies."

I frowned, not sure where he was going with this. "Okay, your point is?"

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