78. Get Away From Me!

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"Ugh, Cam! Get out of my way!" I groaned at him as he blocked my path to get to lunch.

"Why would I do that?" he asked and quickly stuck out his arm as I tried to run around him.

"Because I'm hungry!" I whined.

"Well so am I, but you don't see me complaining, now do you?"

I huffed and crossed my arms, "I can make it a royal order if you're going to keep this up."

He shook his head with a smirk, "You aren't wearing your crown. You have no power over me."

"Fine, then I'll play the birthday card."

He grinned, "Trust me, I know it's your birthday."

I ducked under his arm but he grabbed my shoulder and put me back in my place. "Then why are you doing this?!"

"I'm waiting for the signal."

I cocked an eyebrow, "Waiting for the wha-?" His phone suddenly started playing some weird song I'd never heard before and he stepped to my side, linking our elbows together.

"That's the signal!" I rolled my eyes as he guided me down the hall to the lunchroom. When we stepped inside, I glanced over to our table and a smile stretched onto my lips.

"Aww, you shouldn't have!" I hurried over to my friends who were all grinning at me and quickly hugged each of them. "Thank you guys! This is perfect." I sat in my usual spot and surveyed what they'd laid out for me. They'd brought in food from my favorite restaurant and someone was playing Fall Out Boy from their phone with a mini speaker. It was simple, not over the top, but perfectly me and I absolutely loved it.

"Happy birthday, Angel!" they all exclaimed and I smiled at each of them.

I was about to dig into my food when Cam raised his can of pop, "I'd like to make a toast in honor of our birthday girl!" I chuckled, remembering when Ash had made a toast to me as well. He gave me a warm grin as he went off into his probably improvised speech. (He just liked to go with the flow, I highly doubted he'd practiced this at all.)

"Angel, what would we do without you? Our lives would be so different if you weren't in them and I know that for a fact. We all care about you more than you could ever imagine and we know that you return it to us just as strongly, if not more. You were one of the first people I met when I moved here and now we're best friends. That's just crazy to think about. I mean how could ramming into someone cause you to create a friendship as strong as ours?"

A chuckle rippled through our group but I wasn't sure if he even noticed. He was still locked onto my eyes intently.

"You're one amazing chick, you know that? I mean you always show us up, no matter what we do. You've just got that special something. I don't know what it is, but you've got it and we all envy you because of it. You're not normal, not in the slightest, but that's a good thing. A great one in fact. I mean it led you to become a YouTube sensation after all!"

The guys whooped but I just ignored them.

Cam continued, "Even though you're an internet celeb, you still find time for us and care about us just as much as you did before you started your channel. That's saying something. We know you're super busy all the time and I can't imagine how stressful it must be to try and balance everything in your life, but you somehow manage to fit us in and we're grateful for that. I know we can be a pain in the butt sometimes, me especially," I laughed in agreement, "but you always help us out if we need it. I hope you know that you can always ask the same of us. We're here for you, girl. All of us, no matter what."

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