102. This Isn't Funny!

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Thankfully I didn't have to force my parents into letting me stay with everyone for the summer, but it did take some persuasion and a promise that I'd come home once a month before they finally agreed. School couldn't end fast enough and when the last day finally arrived, I invited all my friends over for a goodbye party. I was really going to miss them, but I mean I'd hardly talked to them last summer anyway and that's when I was still here.

Finally, the big day came for me to head off to England and start my summer with the gang. Stampy and Sqaishey picked me up from the airport and we had a blast the whole ride to the house. We talked about anything and everything and laughed until we were breathless. The view out the window was pretty amazing too. I couldn't believe how beautiful the English suburbs were. When we finally pulled up to the estate, I immediately hopped out of the car and froze in my tracks as I stared up at the massive building.

"Woah... this is sick!"

It was a gorgeous three-story house with an expansive garden in the front and stretching around the back. On one side I could see a huge outdoor pool and on the other there was a patio with a grill and deck chairs and all sorts. If the outside was this amazing, I couldn't even imagine what the inside must be like.

Almost in a trance, I started walking up to the front door, but someone behind me said, "Yo, Angel, a little help over here?" I glanced over my shoulder and saw Stampy getting my bags from the trunk of the car.

"Oh, right, sorry about that," I said and quickly made my way over to help him carry them inside.

Sqaishey opened the door for us and the second I stepped inside, I nearly dropped everything from pure amazement.

However, before I could really take everything in, someone yelled, "Watch out!" and I was shoved to the floor.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, laughing slightly. "What's the big idea?"

Neeeeerrrruuuuummmm! A weird buzzing sound zipped past my head and I looked up to see a pair of model helicopters whizzing down the hallway.

"Sorry about that!" someone called from the top of the stairs and my eyes followed the voice, landing on James and Ash who were both holding remote controls.

"It's cool!" I yelled back, getting to my feet and peeking down the hall to make sure it was safe to cross.

"Guys, don't you think you should be doing that outside?" Sqaishey scolded them.

"Yeah, yeah, we already got that spiel from Netty."

"Where is she?" Stampy asked.

"Uh, in the kitchen with Amy, I think..." James replied distractedly.


I was interrupted by Ash, "Down the left hall somewhere, last I saw."

I quirked an eyebrow, "You don't even know what I was going to ask."

"Was it 'where's Squid'?" he guessed, flashing me a quick smirk.

I crossed my arms and blushed, "No, I wanted to know where the bathroom is."

"Riiiiggghht," he drawled teasingly, "whatever you say."

Sqaishey chuckled, "I'll show you where it is." So I followed her to one of the apparently five restrooms this place had and did my business before going to explore the house a bit. I found the dining room and kitchen, a games room that had things like foosball and ping-pong, three living rooms which each had massive flat screen TVs and their own sets of game consoles, and a room full of computers and microphones and all that nerdy stuff which I figured must be the main recording room.

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