83. Age Is Just A Number

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I sat down at my computer the moment I stepped inside and pasted the message I'd written last night into the text boxes on all my medias. I was going to post one right after the other, bing bang boom. I read through it one final time, probably to stall more than anything. I mean I'd already gone over it a million times, so I knew it was as good as it was going to get.

I'd asked the gurls to stay out of the arguments today, I didn't want them making things worse. I mean they didn't know any more about it than anyone else did, but they liked to pretend they were experts. When I'd talked to them at lunch today, they'd complained at my request and said that they could help, but I forcefully said no. I didn't want them accidentally giving out false information.

I had however asked my YouTube friends to help out in small ways. I'd told them that about an hour after the message had been posted, I wanted them to write replies backing me up. Since they know me and they have large fanbases, I'm hoping that they'll be able to stir up some positivity and discourage the haters. We were even going to try and get a hashtag or two trending if all went well.

With a deep breath, I hit enter, my hopes that this was going to work giving me courage. I quickly posted it everywhere else and waited for the replies to start coming in. My heart was pounding anxiously and I closed my eyes to try and savor this moment, but the words I'd written just flashed across my eyelids.

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't waste any time. I apologize for disappearing on all of you, I've just been going through something personal and haven't had much time to be on social media. When I did come back on however, there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me. Usually I like surprises, but this one I just couldn't fathom. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, I mean the internet did before I did. What I'm referring to is, of course, Squelsie.

"The first thing I'm going to say is that Squid and I did NOT approve these accounts. Someone took and posted these pictures without our permission. Whatever they've been saying about this being our idea, it isn't true. I tried to ask them to take the images down, but they refused, so I have no choice other than to take a stand.

"All of the rumors you've heard are false. Well, all except one. Squid and I are in fact a couple. We never intended for anyone to know, it was going to stay a secret, but I suppose we should've known better than to think we had all the control over the matter. I know a lot of you disapprove of this, but it's our decision and it's not affecting your life in any way, so why should you even care? You worry about yourself, I'll worry about myself, and we'll all be just fine.

"Yes, Squid and I have quite a big age difference, but so what? Age is just a number. Age is something humans made up as a way to keep track of how long we've lived. Age doesn't make a difference in anything. We don't care how big the gap is, so you shouldn't either. All that matters in a relationship is how you feel about one another, and I can assure you, what we feel is nothing short of incredible. We love each other, and nothing anyone could say is ever going to change that. So if you're one of the haters who are trying to make us miserable, or trying to get us to break up, or just trying to do whatever it is you're trying to do, give up. It doesn't affect us anymore, so just get on with your lives.

"Just because something doesn't fit your idea of 'normal' doesn't mean it's not okay. Everyone has different preferences, different tastes, different opinions. We need to respect each other's differences, not call them out and hate on them. Everyone is unique and that's a beautiful thing. Embracing our uniqueness will make us strong and just a better society in general. If you don't like the way someone is unique, then fine, keep your opinions to yourself. Being rude never helps anybody and no matter what you think now, at some point you will regret it.

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