49. Another First

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I don't exactly know how to warn you about this so... I guess I'll just say it. (Spoiler lol sorry) They get kinda wild and take it to the bedroom, if you know what I mean. It doesn't talk about that stuff, just leading up to it, but if you don't like that then just skip to the next chapter once she goes in the living room. I just want to make sure everyone is comfortable and no one accidently reads something they don't want to.


My eyes fluttered open the next morning and the first thing I saw was David's face. He was awake and lying next to me, just looking at me. He smiled, "Morning." I tucked my head under his chin and we laid there together, happy as could be.

Finally I sat up and stretched, "What's for breakfast?"

"Let's go see what the menu's like today."

We walked down the stairs and he opened the fridge and cupboards for me to look around. I selected cereal and sat at the table.

As I ate, I said, "So let's see here, your schedule today... record Time Travelers and random game for Squiddy plays, upload Scrap Mechanic, and edit thumbnails, is that right?"

He smiled, "Yep, you got it. And yours is record Dangerous Depths, upload adventure map, and also edit thumbnails."

"We know each other so well."

"A little too well if you ask me." I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked.

When we finished eating I asked, "What first?"

He hooked his arms around my waist, "I think making out some more sounds pretty nice."

I pushed him away playfully, "As much as I wish we could do that all the time, we've got work to do."

I tried to stand but he pulled me back down, "I think it can wait a few minutes." He leaned in and I chuckled, but allowed our lips to meet.

Eventually, he agreed to get something done, so we went into the office and I watched him record while I started editing. When he was done, he turned to me, the glint of an idea in his eyes.

"What're you thinking?" I asked apprehensively.

"Well, I think we should take advantage of you being here. We should make some sort of video that we could only do in the same room."

"You obviously have something in mind, so out with it then."

"Have you seen the one-handed challenge I did with Stamps?"

"Yeah, where you each had one hand on the controller?"

He nodded, "What if we did something like that, but on PC?"

I thought about how that would work. "So, one of us would control the movement, and the other would use the mouse?"

He grinned, "Exactly."

"That seems pretty easy though."

"Then we'll make what we have to do difficult. I was thinking find an emerald, get a ghast tear, and defeat a guardian."

"Hmm, I'm intrigued. Wouldn't we need hand cam for this though?"

"I can set that up easily enough. So what do you say?"

I shrugged, "Why not?"

So we got everything ready and I warmed up my voice. I had to sit on his lap so we could both reach the controls, but neither of us minded.

"Ready?" he asked, and I nodded. "Alright in three, two, one..." He started the video and we recorded for a good hour. We were yelling and laughing the whole time, saying things like "Why did you move?!" "Don't click that!" "You are such a troll!"

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