69. I Hear It's Quite The Looker

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"PRESENTS!" someone yelled, and everyone started running over to the sitting area.

I frowned, "Presents? They want me to open them here?"

"Uh, yeah," Mindy said, "that's kinda what you do at birthday parties."

"But there are so many of you! It would take ages to open them all!"

She grabbed my hand, "Then you'd better get started!"

I rolled my eyes but followed them over and let them sit me in a tall chair. Everyone sat around my feet like kindergarteners at story time and I couldn't help chuckling at how funny they looked.

"So, whose should I open first?" I asked, and the people in the front all thrust their gifts at me. I laughed and picked a random one to dig into.

The mountain of wrapping and tissue paper quickly grew as did my pile of presents. I couldn't believe how many there were, or how thoughtful everyone had been. Every single gift had an aspect of me in it and I loved all of them. Not only did I love the gifts themselves, but the cards were just as amazing. I laughed so hard at them and everyone else did as well when I passed them around, unless it was a personal joke that they didn't understand, but those ones were my favorite. I also got loads of money, so much that I had absolutely no idea what to buy with it all. After what felt like forever, I finally made it to the last gift.

Cam handed me a small box with a shiny ribbon tied around it and smiled, "This one's from your parents."

I raised an eyebrow, "They didn't want to see me open it?" He just shrugged so I proceeded to untie the string. I took off the lid and grinned at a set of car keys with Minecraft and YouTube key chains on the ring with them. "No way!" I pulled them out and held them up proudly for everyone to see.

"Woah, you got a car?!"

"No way! I'm so jelly man!"

"When you gonna try for your license?"

I wasn't sure what to say so I just ignored them and pulled out my phone. I sent my parents a selfie of me holding the keys next to my face and grinning. "Thank you so much! Love you!" I said in the text and then put the phone back in my purse. I went to do the same with the keys but Zach stopped me.

"Don't you wanna go check out your new wheels?"

I shook my head, "It'll still be there later."

"But I want to see it!" Mindy complained.

"We've got a party going on here!" I reasoned. "I don't want to waste a single minute of it!"

"Oh, come on! Please? Just a peek?" Megan pleaded.

"I don't know why you guys are so interested. I mean it's not like you've never seen a car before."

Cam stood up, "Yeah, but this is your car, which we have not seen before. So I for one am going to check it out." He gave me a mischievous smirk, "I hear it's quite the looker." There was a weird glint in his eye which made me suspicious, but I finally sighed.

"Oh, fine." So I got up and grabbed my coat before heading out the door. It was dark outside, but that didn't mean much since the sun goes down at like six in the winter here. It was snowing lightly and I shivered as a cold breeze blew past my bare legs.

I looked around and saw a sleek blue car with a giant red bow on the roof parked under a lamp in the parking lot. I heard the soft hum of the engine and the headlights were on but I wasn't too surprised. I knew it hadn't been there before so I figured my parents must have driven it over here a while ago.

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