118. My Voice...?

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The day soon came for David to record his voice part for the movie he'd been telling me about just a few days ago. He talked excitedly and nervously the whole way to the studio and all I could do was smile and chuckle at him, giving him words of encouragement whenever he started to doubt himself.

Within a few hours, the two of us were sitting in the lavish building's waiting room, David's hand clamped around mine for support.

"What if I mess up?" he asked me nervously, fidgeting uncontrollably in his leather seat. "What if I get in there and they decide they don't want me anymore? Oh, Angel, maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." He dipped his head, causing a few strands of his blonde hair that were sticking out from under his snapback to fall in front of his discouraged blue eyes.

I chuckled softly and swept his bangs back into place, placing a light kiss on his temple. "David, you're going to do just fine. There's absolutely no need to worry, I promise."

A small sigh fanned from his lips and he murmured, "I suppose..."

The trickle of an idea floated into my brain and I smiled to myself, leaning down to dig through the bag at my feet. I pulled out a few pieces of paper, the fold lines deep and worn from the constant reopening and closing of them.

David frowned at this and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Showing you that you know what you're doing." I unfolded the packet and scanned the highlighted pages, David rolling his eyes at me.

"Angel, I've looked at these lines a hundred times already."

"Exactly, so you must have them memorized by now, right?"

He shrugged his shoulders lazily and said, "Yeah, pretty much."

"So prove it to me." I cleared my throat and straightened my posture, pretending to act professional which I knew would lighten his mood. "Okay, so, you be your character and I'll be the rest, yeah?"

He nodded in understanding, a hint of a smirk peeking through his indifferent expression.

I read over the first few lines to know where they were going and then began in a high pitched, whiny voice, "Do we really have to go through the swamp? The mud will totally ruin my new boots!"

David chuckled at my stupid airhead impression before saying his line. "Stella, do you have to be such a drama queen?"

I deepened my voice to man's timbre and said, "Leave her alone, Riven. And no Stella, we're flying over the swamp, not trudging through it." I switched my voice back to the blonde and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Er, I mean... darn, that's too bad. I was so ready to fight some swamp creatures."

David scoffed and muttered, "Whatever."

We kept this up for a few minutes, acting out his scene and criticizing some of the dumb lines and laughing at all the crazy voices I was able to come up with for the different characters. Before we could finish however, a tall man clad in a dark suit walked up to us, his shiny dress shoes clacking against the tile floor.

David immediately sat up in his chair, quite clearly suppressing his need to fidget.

"Mr. Spencer I presume?" the man asked in a deep vibrato, staring down his giant nose at my terrified boyfriend.

David nodded and managed to squeak out, "Yes sir."

His piercing gray eyes flickered over to me, a perfectly plucked eyebrow quirking up at what he saw. "And who might this be?"

"Th-this is Angel, sir. My other half..."

A smirk stamped onto the man's face and he asked, "Oh, Mrs. Spencer, aye?"

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