79. You Don't Wanna Know

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My head started pounding and I groaned, raising my arm to rub my temple. What the hell happened? I struggled to open my eyes and blinked against the sudden light. I had no idea where I was or how I'd got there.

"Angel?" someone said quietly. I frowned and tried to locate the source of the voice, but even the slightest movement of my head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer. I groaned again and laid my hand over my eyes, praying for the thudding pain in my skull to go away. Something gently touched my arm and I gasped, yanking it away from the sudden contact. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" the voice said, sounding a little scared itself.

"It's fine," I muttered and dragged my fingers down my face. I blinked my eyes open again and standing next to me was a pretty blond girl with matte pink lips and concerned green eyes. It took me a moment to realize it was Mindy. "What happened?" I asked and frowned at how I sounded. I knew that my voice was messed up from a while ago, but it seemed even worse than usual. My throat was dry and my words came out hoarse and raspy, like after you go to a concert and have been screaming your head off.

"Do you remember anything?" she asked, scanning my face with those neon orbs of hers.

I tried to think back, but my head was still throbbing so my brain refused to give me any information. "No."

She sighed and sat next to me, something crinkling beneath her. I glanced down and realized that I was laying on something hard and flat that was covered by that paper stuff they put on the beds at hospitals. My eyes wandered around the small, white room and it looked sort of like a doctor's office, with medical tools and prescription bottles laying out.

"Where are am I?" I asked before she could start explaining what had gone down.

"The nurse's office."

"How long was I out?"

She glanced up at the wall clock, "About an hour and a half. The nurse had to give you a weak trank 'cause you were flipping out."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Really? Why?"

"She thinks you had some sort of panic attack." A panic attack? I've never had anything like that before. What could have set it off?

"What happened?" I asked again, but she just shook her head.

"I'll tell you once you're feeling a bit better." She gently ran her fingers through my hair and gave me a sympathetic smile.

My gaze traveled to the clock as well and I saw that it was 1:30, the end of sixth period. I frowned at her, "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I stayed to watch over you."

"Isn't that the nurse's job?"

She shrugged, "She thought it would be good for you to wake up to someone you recognized." I turned my head to try and see where the door was, but immediately remembered that wasn't a good idea once fire started spreading through my skull again. I winced and she quickly stood up, "I'll go get the nurse." I heard her high heels click against the tile and it reminded me of something. I'd heard that noise not long ago...

"Oh my god, Angel, are you okay?!" That had been Mindy. She was one of the figures I'd seen. The scene slowly started to come back to me, but it was resistant as if it were trying to swim through honey.

"No! She is not okay! She's laying in the middle of the hallway!" That was a masculine voice, which would make sense with the heavy footfalls I'd heard as well.

"I'm sorry! It's an automatic response!"

"NO!" I flinched as my own voice reverberated in my mind. "Get away from me!"

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