114. Show Her!

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Dinner that night was... awkward, to say the least. We all gathered around the table, the girls shifting their spots down one so Tom could sit next to James, and basically I wanted to die the entire time. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but it was still really weird having Tom there, and I now knew I wasn't the only one to think that.

Ash and James were always obnoxious by themselves but in a stupid, kind of funny way. Now that Tom had been added in... it was a whole new ball game. They laughed and yelled the whole time, ignoring anyone outside of their little bubble, which wasn't very difficult considering no one else was even speaking.

We all just watched the three stooges and picked at our food, wondering how in the world we'd let this happen. I could tell David felt bad for letting Tom stay whenever someone glanced at him, like they were silently blaming him for this new annoyance.

Whenever he looked particularly down, I'd set a hand on his arm and give him a reassuring smile. It worked for a while, but throughout the night it quickly started losing its charm.

Eventually I gave up and sighed, glancing at Netty and Amy across from us. I was a bit shocked when I saw how contrasting their expressions were. Netty was practically staring daggers into Tom's skull, while Amy had more of a dreamy look on her face, though there was guilt mixed into it, as if she were upset with herself for thinking whatever she was thinking.

Netty glanced over at her friend and they shared a silent conversation, which ended in Amy looking down at her bowl sadly and seeming even guiltier than before.

I couldn't understand how one person could have this much of an effect on the morale of a group. I mean I'm sure having Stampy and Sqaishey gone for the night was part of it too, but everything seemed to be centered on Tom. Apparently he'd affected many more people's lives than I'd imagined, and in many different ways.

While I hated to admit it, I couldn't help my curiosity of how this was all going to pan out in the end.


The next morning, I awoke to a girly shriek from out in the hallway and my eyes flew open, my heart pounding. Had something gone wrong? Was someone hurt?

I quickly got out of bed, but carefully so as not to wake David, and stepped into my slippers before peeking my head out the door. I saw Beth trying to shoosh Amy down the hall, but they both looked way too excited to calm down.

I quirked an eyebrow and made my way over to them in my nightgown, peeking over Sqaishey's shoulder once I got there. "What's going on here?" I asked, causing them both to jump in surprise.

"Angel!" Amy scolded, laughing. "You scared us!"

I laughed too and said, "Well you scared me! I heard someone scream and thought there had been an accident!"

"Sshhh!" Beth chided us, though she couldn't help giggling too. "It's still early!" she whispered. "Everyone is sleeping!

"Fine, fine," Amy said, waving it off with her hand but lowering her voice nonetheless. "But I just can't believe this! I'm so happy for you!"

"What's going on?" I asked curiously, a smirk hinting on my features. "Does this have anything to do with last night?"

Sqaishey sighed, "You were all supposed to find out together..."

"Oh, come on!" Amy encouraged. "Show her!"

She bit her lip and hesitantly held out her left hand, revealing a beautiful three diamond ring that was placed on her finger.

I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth. "Oh my god!" I squealed, a giant grin spreading over my face. "Bethany! That's amazing!" I crushed her in a hug and she laughed, squeezing me back tightly.

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