31. Something Important

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[Song at the end (It's "From Here To Mars" by We The Kings), you know the gist. Or maybe it could be like background music once they go outside, idk, do what you will. I just think it's kinda cute.]


We went into the den and I got everything set up to record. I used my laptop and he used the family computer. I had to sit next to him so we could both use the microphone but it wasn't too bad. We hopped into a server and I started with my usual intro.

"What's up peoples? It's your girl Elsie here, bringing you another Minecraft vid! But not just any old video, oh no no no, this is a mini game video! I know, you're all thinking, 'Woah girl, slow down now,' but that's not the only thing that's out of the ordinary. I have a special guest joining me today!"

"Hello!" Squid said enthusiastically.

"Oh um, sorry guys, hold on a sec. Excuse me sir, I'm kind of recording right now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"What? But I'm your guest!"

"Mmm, I don't think so. Sorry mate."

"Fine then, maybe I will just leave."

"Oh, you know I'm only teasing! Please welcome, iBallisticSquid! Now, if you don't know who this guy is but you know who I am, then there's something seriously wrong with your computer/ tablet/ phone/ whatever you're watching this on right now, because if you type in 'Minecraft', he's going to be one of the first things that comes up. So yeah, go check him out if you haven't."

"My my, what an introduction! I'm flattered."

"Anytime. But enough of that, on to the games!" We recorded for a good long while and it was so much fun. We teased and taunted and targeted and it almost felt like we weren't even recording.

Eventually I signed off, "Well that's about it for today I suppose. Thank you Squid for joining me."

"It was my pleasure! I'll come back whenever you want, just say the word."

"What word would that be?"

He thought for a moment, "Slippery!"

"Right, okay then. Anyways, glad you could all stop by for a little while and hang out with us! Come on back if want, you're always welcome here! And with that, I leave you! See ya."

"Byeeee!" I waited a few seconds and then ended the recording. David turned to me and grinned, "That, was, awesome!"

I shrugged and set my laptop aside, "It was alright I suppose."

I started to stand up but he wrapped his arms around me, "Oh, don't deny it. You had fun, I know you did."

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, it was a pretty good time. But... not as much as this," I leaned forward and met his lips.

He dug his fingers in my hair and grinned, "Yeah, nothing could ever beat this." I pressed into him and let all of the sensations consume me.

After a while, there was a knock at the door. "Dinner's almost ready."

I pulled away and sniffed the air, "Smells like steak."

"Mmm, my favorite." I smiled and laced our fingers together as we walked into the kitchen. My mom glanced at our hands when she saw us, but then gave me a warm smile and set down our plates. We all sat and my parents asked David about a billion questions while we ate but he didn't seem to mind. I even found out a few things that I hadn't known about him.

When we finished, he said, "Angel, could you help me for a second? I need to get some things out of the car."

I lifted an eyebrow, "What kinds of things?"

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