86. The Trial- Part 3

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If you skipped and are just joining us now, hop in at the bolded word. Enjoy! :)


"Mr. Spencer can come up now," the judge said.

David stood up and walked to the stand, his lawyer following him and stopping in her designated place. He was quickly sworn in and he sat, not moving his eyes from me. I really wished he wouldn't stare at me while he was up there, I mean I didn't want to distract him. Yet, he was making it quite clear that he had no intention of moving his gaze from me.

"Mr. Spencer," the woman began, "do you agree with everything Miss-"

"Angel," he interrupted. "Just Angel. Please."

She cleared her throat, "With everything Angel said?"

He nodded, "Yes, it was all true."

"It was exactly as you remembered it?"

"Down to the last detail."

"Alright, so you're admitting you had sexual intercourse with her then?"

"Yes, I did."

"Did you have any intention to hurt her?"


"Use her?"


"Force her to do something she didn't want to do?"

"No. I asked if she wanted to do it and she said yes."

"So she gave you her consent?"

"Yes, just like she said."

"Did she ever want you to stop or say you had gone too far?"

"No. But I made sure before we started that we could stop if she wanted to."

"And how did you do that?"

I smiled as I remembered his caring voice whispering in my ear, making sure I was comfortable and letting me know everything was okay. My lips moved in sync with his as he answered, "I said, 'If you ever want to stop, just let me know, alright? I don't want to push you.' "

She nodded at that and said, "Okay, final question. Were you under any sort of influence at the time?"

He didn't answer for a few moments and everyone stared at him expectantly. Eventually, he said, "Yes."

The lawyer took a step back as if he'd threatened to punch her. Apparently this wasn't how they'd planned it to go. "Excuse me?"

"I said yes," he replied simply.

"What kind of influence?" she asked apprehensively.

He smiled at me affectionately and I started to get an idea of what he was going to say. "The strongest one of all." His tone confirmed my suspicions and a tear slipped down my cheek as we gazed at each other.

"Which is...?"

Everything went silent and I could almost feel people straining their ears to make sure they heard his answer. I held my breath as he opened his mouth and watched his lips form a single word.


It hung in the air for a minute and I could tell everyone felt the power in that one syllable. I'd heard him say it countless times and we both knew that our feelings were so much stronger than love, but the way he said it made it feel like it had a whole new meaning. Like he'd somehow changed it's very definition to "David and Angel."

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