93. I'm Sorry

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I'd say that this chapter is mostly mature so you can skip it if you want to. I'll let you know what kinda happened in the author's note so you're still on the same page. This takes place immediately after the last chapter so I'd recommend re-reading the last little bit of that before you read this if you don't mind the 'mature' stuff. Which by the way, if you're not supposed to be reading that stuff (like your parents or whoever tell you not to) but you do it anyway, just don't. You wouldn't want to get caught and then get in trouble for it. I'm just looking out for you here.


My gaze flickered down to his tantalizing lips, making my whole body buzz with anticipating energy. My hand hesitantly glided up his strong arm, finding its way to his shoulder, his hair, his cheek. My thumb brushed over his lips, lightly tracing their outline, and that small action somehow made me want it more than ever before.

His hand lifted out of the water and delicately wrapped around mine, placing it where his back met his neck. It then traveled along my arm, creating electricity with every centimeter it moved. His fingers traced down my back and paused in the middle, pulling my body into his and sending the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. Light as a breeze, his other hand settled on the back of my neck and he barely even had to apply pressure to tilt my head forward, and finally connect our lips.

It started as a pleasant, gentle kiss, just enjoying the incredible feeling of our mouths being connected, but it elevated quickly. Our hold was tightening steadily and together, we were amping up the intensity of our smooch. Our tongues came out and started dancing with each other, sending off rockets whenever they touched a new place. Our hands were exploring more ambitiously, going wherever they pleased and taking what they felt was theirs.

I tried to lean farther into him, but we were already pressed as close as we could get so I wrapped my leg around both of his, letting my hips shift into a better position. We were getting wilder than I'd hoped and it was becoming harder and harder for me to hold back my desire. He wasn't showing any signs of slowing down and I feared that lust had already overtaken him, driving his actions. My hunch was confirmed when he gripped my thighs, getting ready to lift me onto his lap.

I broke away breathlessly and set my hands on his broad chest to put some space between us. "Stop," I panted, but he was already raising me up. "David, we can't do this now," I said quickly, pushing him away when he tried to start sucking on my neck. He frowned, his eyes still closed and he grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. My stomach collided with his and I felt something inside me clench at the contact. "Charming, snap out of it! I won't be able to restra- ungh..." I moaned as his hips started moving up and down beneath me and I dug my nails into his back, using every ounce of strength I had to not give in to temptation. "David, please," I forced out through clenched teeth. He paused for a moment, and I used the opportunity to pull away. I fell onto the bench next to him and tried to gulp up air to calm down, but the steam around us was so thick that it was just plain painful. I covered my face with my hands and slowly shook my head, not quite believing what just went down.

A minute passed where nothing happened, us just sitting there, dumbfounded. I finally slid my hands away and risked a glance over at him. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were as wide as the Grand Canyon, fixated on some random spot on the wall.

"David?" I said quietly, his stillness slightly concerning me. He didn't move a muscle and I sat up, brushing my bangs aside to look at him better. "David, are you okay?"

He slowly looked down at his hands and flipped them face-up, gawking at them as if they were some sort of alien machine. "What did I just do...?" he breathed, but I'm pretty sure it was a rhetorical question. "Angel..." His voice was filled with guilt and horror and his eyes were still wide open. I don't think he'd blinked in the last two minutes. "I'm so... so... so... sorry," he whispered at a snail's pace.

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