109. I Thought I Knew Them

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The conversation we were having during lunch eventually made its way back to today's events and the group decided they wanted to go on the tower ride next, the one that jerks up and down really fast and basically looked like death to me. Luckily I wasn't the only one to think that, though. Netty said she didn't like it either so she would sit out with me. David tried to say he would stay with me too, but I could see he wanted to do it so I told him to just go and that I'd be fine without him for a few minutes. So he smiled and gave me a kiss before jogging into the queue with the others.

Soon enough, they were all strapped in and getting launched into the sky, screaming as they fell back down and were tossed around like ragdolls, but they looked like they were having a lot of fun. Netty and I got plenty of pictures of them and just laughed as we watched their ridiculous faces. The ride lasted a few good minutes but eventually ended and they made their way back over to us, huge grins on their faces, although James looked a bit queasy. I suppose inhaling four hot dogs plus whatever other junk food he could find right before that ride probably wasn't the best idea in the world. He didn't seem too bad though so I figured he'd be fine in a minute or two.

After that, we just walked around for a while, people watching and playing some of the random carnival-type games they had set up. David played the ring toss and won me a wolf plushie which I absolutely loved. It was so cute! I carried it around with me the whole day, not even putting it in my bag.

Sqaishey also got lucky and won the jackpot on the game where you have to knock over all the pins. She was as original as ever and picked a giant stuffed duck as her prize which she pretended to give a piggyback ride to. It actually kind of looked like a toddler if you were just giving them a passing glance and it made me wonder what kind of mother Sqaishey would be. I think she'd be a good parent, Stamps too. I couldn't help smiling as I thought about that, having a little Sqampy kid running around. Okay, too many feels. Can't handle it! Moving on.

So not too long into our escapade around the games area, Ash and James started complaining again. They said that the line for the corkscrew was going to be super long and that if they didn't save a spot soon, then we'd miss the sunset on the ferris wheel. I knew they didn't really care about that, they just wanted to go on the crazy ride, but they had a good point. Everyone agreed and we started making our way to the roller coasters, the sound of screams getting louder and louder as we approached.

I immediately knew which queue was for the corkscrew because it was at least twice as long as any of the others. It would take at least an hour and a half to get through, probably closer to two. So everyone took up a place in line, sans David and I. David said he didn't want to get dizzy again and I just really didn't like roller coasters, so we got a few hours to ourselves.

We sauntered through the colorful park together, hand-in-hand and just enjoying being with each other. Admittedly we didn't talk much, but we didn't need to. Just having him by side was enough, and I knew it was the same for him. After a while we did get bored of just walking around aimlessly, so we decided to get some ice cream and sat at a picnic table in the shade.

David's warm smile never left me and I couldn't help wondering what thoughts were going through his head. Knowing him he was probably planning some big romantic thing, just to make sure I knew how much he loved me, but he didn't have to show off to prove that to me. I could just feel the emotion pouring off him all the time and without that constant aura around me, I wasn't sure if I'd have the strength to sustain myself. Even when I was back in America, I could always feel the lingering effects he had on me, though it wasn't nearly as much as I wanted, or even needed anymore. His love was like a drug, forcing you to take more each time to get the same high. I was a little afraid that after I left this time, memories just weren't going to be enough anymore. I tried my best not to think about that though and just enjoyed our real time together, time we weren't staring at each other through screens.

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