27. What Are You Doing Here?!

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When I went out into the hallway, there was one person left standing there. Their back was to me but I stumbled to a stop, sure that my mind was playing tricks on me. They turned and I nearly dropped everything I was holding. I took a hesitant step forward, scared that this was a mirage that would fade if I moved too fast.

"David?" I whispered.

His face was a brick wall but he gave a curt nod, "Angel."

My doubts crumbled away and I ran to him, not even noticing everything slipping out of my arms. He was stiff in my embrace and I pulled away, gazing into his eyes. "What are you doing here?!"

He stared at me and there was a coldness behind his eyes that I'd never seen before. "Well I came to see you, but I guess you didn't want to see me."

I knit my brow, "What? Of course I want t-! Oh..." It occurred to me that he'd seen what happened onstage and thought I'd betrayed him. I quickly tried to explain, "David, it's all a misunderstanding, I-"

"Why would you do that?" he interrupted. His expressionless face flickered to one of sadness, "Have you been pulling me along this whole time?"

"Of course not! I-"

"Do you know how painful that was to watch? The fake one was hard enough..." his shoulders sagged slightly, "but then for real?"

I grabbed his hand desperately, "If you'd just lis-"

"I trusted you," he whispered, grief lining his voice.

"David! Can I please get two words in?!" He finally stayed quiet. I sighed gratefully, "Thank you. Now, I know how it looked, but I didn't say yes."

He frowned, "How is accepting a rose and," he grimaced, "kissing him, not saying yes?"

"I didn't want to embarrass him in front of everyone. I shouldn't have let him do it, I know, but I didn't think he felt that way. I told him everything afterwards."

He seemed skeptical. "What exactly did you tell him?"

"That I already have a boyfriend."

His face contorted in shock, "Who?!"

"You of course!"

He softened the slightest bit, "Oh. But, you like him... don't you?"

I shook my head, "Just as a friend."

He looked right into my eyes, searching for the truth. "Honestly?"

I stared right back, "Honestly."

We stayed there for a few long moments and I didn't dare to even blink. I could tell he wanted to believe me, he really did, but his jealous side was getting the best of him.

"Charming, please," I whispered, "I'm telling the truth."

He searched my face for a minute and eventually sighed, "I know, but maybe..." He turned his head away from me and closed his eyes sadly. His voice was barely audible when he said, "Maybe... you should be with him."

My stomach dropped to my feet, "What? Why would you say that?"

He bit his lip so I knew he didn't really believe what he was about to say. "He lives here, and he's your age, and you two looked like you really clicked and-"

I put a finger to his lips and forced him to meet my gaze. The longing in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He was doing this because he thought it was best for me, not because he actually wanted it to happen. His feelings for me were still as strong as when we'd shared our first kiss, I was sure of it. I spoke slowly, meaningfully, "David, I like you, not him. I don't care how old you are or how far away you live. If you can say the same for me, then I don't see a problem."

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