94. A Kiss, Perhaps?

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When I stepped inside, I saw my dad standing in the kitchen with his head buried in the fridge.

He glanced over his shoulder when he heard the door slide open and grinned at us. "Hey you two. How was it?"

"Good," I replied with a nod. "The water's great, you should go out there later."

He grabbed a can of pop and shut the refrigerator, leaning against it as he snapped the tab open on his drink. "I was planning on it." He brought the can to his lips and tilted it back, his eyes giving me a once-over. "That's a nice swimsuit," he said with a smirk.

I glanced down at my bra and underwear and quickly adjusted the towel so it covered me better. "Um, yeah..." I couldn't think of anything to say so I looked over to David. "There's a bathroom downstairs you can use to change, and take a shower if you want."

"Well, why don't you join him?" my dad said nonchalantly and I whipped my head back around to glare at him.

"Dad! What the heck?!"

He held up his hands in surrender, "I'm just sayin' it's cool with me if that's what you wanna do."

"Nah," David said, shaking his head. "It's not really her thing, although I'm not sure why."

I gaped at him and slapped his arm with the towel. "Why would you say that?!" I hissed.

He laughed, "What?"

"Oh, so you're saying you've tried it before?" my dad asked with an eyebrow raised in amusement.

Heat raced to my cheeks and I was about to say no, but David shrugged and said, "I've offered, but she always turns me down." He glanced at me and smirked, "She's just mean like that."

My dad chuckled, "Trust me, I know. I've had to put up with her a lot longer than you have."

I gawked at both of them, my eyes switching from one to the other. "Okay, did I miss something here?"

David just winked at me and then nudged me forward, "We should go change, we're getting water all over the floor."

I shook my head and just decided to let it go.

"Oh, and thanks for the rose petals by the way," my dad teased as we walked out of the kitchen and I rolled my eyes. Men...

David went downstairs and I went down the hall, but instead of heading to the bathroom, I went into my room. I set the towel down on my chair and sat on it, grabbing my phone off my desk. I went to messages and clicked on Mindy's convo, chuckling as I read the new text.

"Hows it goin w Squiddy ;)"

I decided to ignore that and sent, "Can I ask you something?"

She replied almost instantly. Pretty much her whole life was on her phone so she always knew the second she got a message. "Course gurly, whats on ur mind?"

Well, I suppose I should just cut to the chase. No use wasting time. I took a deep breath and wrote, "Do you know of anyplace... private?"

Time seemed to drag on until her text finally popped up. "How private we talkin?"

I bit my lip and hesitantly typed, "Somewhere that you could... park without risk of anyone finding you...?"

I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath until the ding sounded and a puff of air escaped my lips. "GUUUURRRLLLL!!!! I'm so glad ur gettin some! Good 4 u! But devirginizing ur car within 2 weeks of havin it... U r quite the rebel Miss Cosgrove ;)"

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