53. What's Wrong With You?

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The next day was... interesting. It started out normal enough. My science teacher is super strict and completely out of the loop so we just did independent worksheets the whole time and she would yell at anyone who talked.

English after that however, is basically just a gossip hour. There's something about that teacher that makes it seem like you've known him for years and he could start up a random conversation with anyone. He grinned when the bell rang and didn't seem to care that almost no one was at a desk.

"Morning everyone! How are we all doing today?" They all answered (quite loudly I might add) and he nodded, "Fantastic." He leaned back in his chair and looked down his nose at the class. "Before we start today, there's something, or rather, someone I feel like we should address. Some of you may know that I like to keep good relationships with my fellow teachers here so I talk to them often. Last night, I was having a conversation with Mr. Mitchell and it seems that we a celebrity of sorts in our mix." He settled his gaze on me and smiled, "Angel here is apparently a famous youtuber. Over a million subscribers, is that correct?"

Everyone turned to me and my stomach squirmed, but I forced my expression to stay level. "Uh, yeah."

"That's just incredible, how long have you been doing it for?"

"Since the end of December."

"What?!" someone exclaimed. "A million in less than a year? How?"

I just shrugged and someone else said, "She's freakin' hilarious, that's how. I looked her up last night and ended up binge watching a whole series."

"I know, right?" a guy in the back chimed. "I saw one video and was instantly hooked."

"Which one was it?" a new voice asked.

"The dancing creeper, I was literally crying from laughter."

"I saw that too!" they replied. "It's the best thing ever."

"No way! The bacon challenge with Chache is to die for."

They all started talking at once and questions flew at me from every direction. I tried my best to answer them but was trying to listen to all of the conversations. From what I could gather, a lot of them had looked up my channel either last night or after open house and apparently, they really liked my videos. I couldn't help grinning, it felt good to be praised unexpectedly like this.

Eventually the teacher tried to get the class back on track. "Alright everyone! Settle down now! Give the girl some space, I'm sure she doesn't want you all breathing down her neck like this."

The chatter finally subsided and he looked to me again. "Well, you may be a big shot on the internet but in this room, you're just one of my students, understand?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes sir."

"Alright then. What do you all say we start with some vocab?"

The next few hours were a mix of those two, some people talked about Elsie but a lot didn't seem bothered. When lunchtime came, I was looking forward to some down time to catch up with everyone, but it didn't exactly go that way. About five minutes after I'd sat down, a group of girls came over to our table. They were mostly freshmen, but there were a few upper classmen. The other thing I noticed right away, was that they were all wearing ElsieGurl shirts.

"Hi Elsie! We're really big fans of yours!"

They all nodded vigorously and another girl said, "It's so cool that you go to this school, we all freaked when we found out."

I could tell my friends were sniggering at me but I didn't care. I only felt a little awkward and put on a friendly smile, "Well, it's nice to meet all of you."

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