46. That's A Great Achievement

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We all headed over to the simulation area and had to show our passes to get in. It was like the deal with Hololens last year, VIPs only since it was brand new. Dan and Sky were the first to try it out and they looked absolutely ridiculous doing it, but they seemed to be having a blast. Stampy and Sqaishey were next and then it was finally Ash's and my turn.

We stepped onto special mats and put on the virtual-reality glasses. I was instantly teleported into a Minecraft world with his character standing next to me. I picked up my feet like I had seen the others do and my person started to walk. I punched down a tree and made a wooden sword.

Ash saw what I was doing and did the same. "You wanna duel?"

I smirked, "How did you know?"

We had our avatars start a few paces away from each other and I held my arm out in front of me, pretending to clutch a sword. "You ready?"

"I was born ready!"

"Alright, on three." I paused, then said, "Three!" and lunged for him.

"Hey! Not fair!"

We battled for a few seconds, jumping and swinging our arms, and I was soon victorious. "Ah hah! I have vanquished the evil foe!" I took off the glasses and turned to everyone, "You may now bow to me!"

They laughed and pretended to bow or curtsy. I watched a few more people mess around with it for a bit, but then we decided to go check out other stuff.

Despite what we had said during the rules, we got stopped quite a few times by fans. I didn't really mind right now since I wasn't in a rush to get anywhere but as time went on, I could see how this could get to be a problem.

"Are there passages here?" I asked.

"Sort of," Stampy replied. "Here, I'll show you."

He brought us near one of the outside walls and there were fence-like barriers making a sidewalk of sorts.

I frowned, "This doesn't seem very fan-proof or faster than walking anywhere else."

He pulled out some kind of device and typed something into it. "Just wait a minute."

So we waited and soon, something shot around the corner and stopped in front of us. "Woah!" It was like a mini, automated sports car. "That's sick! How do I get one of those remote thingies?"

"All of us with a million subs got one."

I rolled my eyes, "995k isn't close enough?"

He didn't answer and opened the door for me, "Come on, we've got to get to the stage."

"Uh, Stamps?" Ash started. "We kind of all need to get there and I don't thin-" he was interrupted by another two cars screeching to a stop in front of us. "Oh, never mind."

We all hopped in and he punched a command into his controller. "Hold on, I'm not sure how fast these go."

"Are these, you know, safe?"

He shrugged, "Probably."

I clutched the armrest as we started to move. We did a careful u-turn into the other "lane" and I said, "Huh, not so ba- Woah!" We lurched off and I was pretty sure we left my stomach behind. We zoomed along and it didn't take long to get used to the rushing feeling.

We whizzed past a lot of things that all blurred together into what looked like a toddler's art project; colorful and odd, yet somehow beautiful.

When we got to our destination and stepped out, Stamps sent them away with a push of a button and we went backstage. We got our directions and mics and after a few minutes, I heard some familiar voices coming from the stage.

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