47. Out With It

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I met up with the guys and they all went crazy when they saw me.

Gizzy put me in a headlock and gave me a noogie, "Congrats! ElsieGurl is officially in the 1m club!"

"I knew you could do it!" Sqaishey squealed.

"That's so cool that you got your play button already, I haven't even got mine yet!" Ash sort of complained.

"Yeah, mine didn't come until I had like three million," Stampy said.

I pushed Gizzy off of me and grinned at all of them, "Thanks, guys. I don't want to make a big deal out of it though, just pretend it didn't happen."

Ash shook his head, "That's impossible, we have to celebrate!"

I groaned, "Please don't. We can do something later if you want, but I want to have a normal rest of this first day."

"I don't think anything about today has been normal."

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean."

He sighed, "Fine, but you have to promise that we'll celebrate tonight."

"Well not if we don't get out of here until like ten, I mean we still have an early start tomorrow."

"Ugh, why do you have to make this so difficult?"

I shrugged, "It's what I do."

"Guys," Sqaishey cut in, "we need to get to the signing. Can you discuss this later?"

I nodded and Ash finally let it go.

We took one of the "cars" to the signing area and got everything set up. I was at a table with Ash in the middle of the line and we decided to take some selfies, for old time's sake.

The fans soon started coming in and the looks on their faces were priceless. I made small talk with everyone, I wanted to make them feel welcome, not scared. My stack of fanart quickly grew and it warmed my heart to see that they had taken the time to make something especially for me.

My wrist became sore from all the writing and my legs weren't happy from all the up-down I was doing to take pictures, but I was having a blast. Everyone was so kind and supportive and I was glad I had gotten to meet all of them. It was over too soon, I wanted it to go on forever.

When the last of the kids had trickled out, we wandered around for a bit longer but when it started getting dark, some of us decided to leave. Since it wasn't too late, I finally gave in to Ash who was pleading to go somewhere and celebrate. So we went to a restaurant and all sat at a big table together. We talked about last year and everything that happened today and laughed and made jokes and all sorts.

After a bit, Ash raised his glass, "I want to make a toast!" He looked down and grinned at me, "To Elsie!"

They clinked their cups, "To Elsie!"

He cleared his throat and began, "Girl, we are all so proud of you. You inspire us with your amazing work, motivate us to be our best, and you're always ready to just hang out and have a laugh with us. It's crazy to think that at this time last year, you didn't even have a channel, hadn't even met us. But it just goes to show, with determination and passion, you can reach your goals! Congratulations on a million subscribers!"

They all cheered and jarred at me and I couldn't hold back a smile.

I gently touched Ash's arm while they were still occupied and whispered, "Thank you."

He nodded, "You deserve it."

Then to everyone I said, "You guys are the best friends I ever could have hoped for! Without you, I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't have had the courage to start a channel, but I'm so glad I decided to give it a shot. Thank you all so much!"

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